An Escape To Remember

An interactive fiction by the IF Whispers Team (2006) - the Inform 7 source text

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Complete text
Part 0 - Shared Definitions

The story genre is "Surreal".
The story description is "An Escape To Remember is a collaborative 'Chinese Whispers' / 'Telephone' style interactive fiction piece, written by 14 authors each of whom only saw the preceding section of the the game."
The story creation year is 2006.

Use American dialect, the serial comma, and full-length room descriptions.

Include (- Constant DEATH_MENTION_UNDO=1; -) before the library.

Use memory economy. [Otherwise we exceed readable memory][Thanks Emily]

Include Rideable Vehicles by Graham Nelson.

When Whisper 1 ends, award 10 points.
When Whisper 2 ends, award 10 points.
When Whisper 3 ends, award 10 points.
When Whisper 4 ends, award 10 points.
When Whisper 5 ends, award 10 points.
When Whisper 6 ends, award 10 points.
When Whisper 7 ends, award 10 points.
When Whisper 8 ends, award 10 points.
When Whisper 9 ends, award 10 points.
When Whisper 10 ends, award 10 points.
When Whisper 11 ends, award 10 points.
When Whisper 12 ends, award 10 points.
When Whisper 13 ends, award 10 points.
When Whisper 14 ends, award 10 points.

The maximum score is 140.

The starting room is a room. [just here as a dummy]

Hiding relates one thing to one thing. The verb to hide (he hides, they hide, he hid, it is hidden, he is hiding) implies the hiding relation.

Hiding it in is an action applying to one carried thing and one thing. Understand "hide [something] in/under/behind [something]" as hiding it in. Understand "conceal [something] in/under/behind [something]" as hiding it in. Instead of hiding something in something, try inserting the noun into the second noun.

Understand "shake [something]" as waving. Understand "rattle [something]" as waving.

Prying it from is an action applying to two things. Understand "pry [something] from [something]" as prying it from. Understand "remove [something] from [something]" as prying it from. Understand "get [something] from [something]" as prying it from. Understand "prise [something] from [something]" as prying it from. Understand "pry [something] with [something]" as prying it from (with nouns reversed). Understand "prise [something] with [something]" as prying it from (with nouns reversed). Instead of prying something from something, try taking the noun.

Understand "climb through [something]" as climbing.

Filling it with is an action applying to two things. Understand "fill [something] from/with [something]" as filling it with. Instead of filling something with something, try inserting the second noun into the noun.

Pouxing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "pour [something]" as pouxing. Understand "pour [something] out" as pouxing. Pouring it on is an action applying to two things. Understand "pour [something] on [something]" as pouring it on. Instead of pouring something on something, try inserting the noun into the second noun. Instead of pouxing something, try dropping the noun.

Jumping to is an action applying to one thing. Understand "jump through/to [something]" as jumping to. Instead of jumping to something, try climbing the noun.

xselfswinging is an action applying to nothing. Understand "swing" as xselfswinging.
Selfswinging to is an action applying to one thing. Understand "swing to [something]" as selfswinging to.
Selfswinging through is an action applying to one thing. Understand "swing through [something]" as selfswinging through.
Selfswinging on is an action applying to one thing. Understand "swing on [something]" as selfswinging on.

Check xselfswinging: say "You can't do that right now." instead.
Check selfswinging to: say "You can't do that right now." instead.
Check selfswinging through: say "You can't do that right now." instead.
Check selfswinging on: say "You can't swing on that." instead.

Turning left is an action applying to one thing. Understand "turn [something] left" as turning left.

Turning right is an action applying to one thing. Understand "turn [something] right" as turning right.

Check turning left: Try turning the noun instead.
Check turning right: Try turning the noun instead.

A thing has some text called printing. The printing of a thing is usually "blank".

Definition: a thing is legible if the printing of it is not "blank".

Understand the command "read" as something new. Understand "read about [text] in [something]" as consulting it about (with nouns reversed). Understand "read [something] about/on [text]" as consulting it about. Understand "read [text] in [something]" as consulting it about (with nouns reversed).

Understand "read [something]" as reading. Reading is an action applying to one thing, requiring light. Check reading: if the printing of the noun is "blank", say "Nothing is written on [the noun]." instead. Carry out reading:
    let typing be the printing of the noun;
say "[fixed letter spacing][typing][variable letter spacing][paragraph break]". Report reading: do nothing.

Looking At It In is an action applying to two things.
Understand "look at [something] in [something]" as looking at it in. Understand "examine [something] in [something]" as looking at it in. Understand "x [something] in [something]" as looking at it in.
Instead of looking at something in something, say "That's not sufficiently reflective."

Understand the command "throw" as something new.
Understand "Throw [something]" as throwing. Throwing is an action applying to one thing.
Carry out throwing: say "Thrown.";
move noun to location.
Report throwing: do nothing.

Hitting it with is an action applying to two things. Understand "hit [something] with [something]" as hitting it with.
Check hitting with: say "You can't do that right now." instead.

Unrandomizing is an action out of world. Understand "unrandomize" as unrandomizing. Carry out unrandomizing: say "Bing, the world is now deterministic. Or as deterministic as it gets, anyway."; seed the random-number generator with 31337.

Table of Whispers
Num   Author   Title
1   "Dan Shiovitz"   "The Divan Comedy"
2   "Sean Barrett"   "Doors Aplenty"
3   "N B Horvath"   "Shadowy Figures"
4   "Mark J Musante"   "Splish Splash"
5   "Roger Carbol"   "Stone Cold Regrets"
6   "Mordechai Shinefield"   "Because It is Bitter and Because It Is"
7   "Tom Blawgus"   "The Chow, The Whistle, and The Big Bird"
8   "Lucian Smith"   "Recap"
9   "Ricardo Dague"   "GUDepot"
10   "Carl Muckenhoupt"   "The Great Underground Stone Head"
11   "Josh Giesbrecht"   "Some Title"
12   "Karl Parakenings"   "Home Security, Ltd."
13   "John Cater"   "Archaeology"
14   "Jeremy Douglass"   "Reflections"

Seeing the author is an action out of world. Understand "author" as seeing the author. Carry out seeing the author:
    let idx be the score divided by 10;
    change idx to idx + 1;
    if there is an author corresponding to a num of idx in the Table of Whispers begin;
        choose row with a num of idx in the Table of Whispers;
        say "Scene [num entry], '[title entry]', was written by [author entry].";
        say "Hmm, there seems to be no author set at this point. Well, maybe this part was written by monkeys.";
    end if.

Getting game info is an action out of world. Understand "about" as getting game info. Understand "help" as getting game info. Understand "credits" as getting game info. Carry out getting game info:
say "[story description][paragraph break]To see the author and subtitle of the current section, type 'author'. If you're interested in contacting the authors, send mail to me (Dan Shiovitz) at and I will forward it on. You can find the website for this project at if you'd like to view the source code or see more information about the game.[paragraph break]Thanks to Radical Al for assistance on updating the source code to 3Z95."

[This was an out of world action, but it turns out to be better for the scene machinery if this takes a turn.]
Skipping ahead is an action applying to nothing. Understand "skip ahead" as skipping ahead. The last carry out skipping ahead rule: say "Since we should always be in a scene, there's no reason to see this text, unless someone forgot to define an override for their scene."

[ Add back in all the actions removed from the standard library -- well, most of them ]
Digging is an action applying to one thing.
Filling is an action applying to one thing. Understand "fill [something]" as filling.
Jumping over is an action applying to one thing. Understand "jump over [something]" as jumping over.
Swimming in is an action applying to one thing. Understand "swim in [something]" as swimming in.
Blowing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "blow [something]" and "blow in [something]" as blowing.