Agents Of Empire/Mechanics

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This page is for the system and mechanics of the game. The basic system is FATE: things (ie, characters and houses) have skills, which are what you roll against, aspects, which can be used to give a situational bonus to skill rolls, and stunts, which add an exception in the rules in some situation.

House Creation

Houses run by players have the following skills: Diplomacy, Industry, Trade, Military, Exploration, and Research. Of the six stats, choose two to be Good (+2), three to be Average (+0), and one to be Bad (-2).

Furthermore, Houses start with two aspects. These can be anything: Fiercely Loyal Members, Hotshot Pilots, Friends in the Senate, etc.

Character Creation

Characters have the following skills: Academics, Athletics, Criminal, Weapons (Primitive, Blasters, or Exotic), Vehicles, Psychic Theory, Survival, Stealth, Engineering, Investigation, Socializing (Senate, Military, Merchants, etc). Choose two to be Great (+4), three to be Good (+2), four to be Average (+0), and two to be Bad (-2).

They also have four Aspects, such as Master Tactician, Allies in House X, Trained Spy, Telekinetic, etc.

House Actions

Houses can take one action a turn. The players in the House have to agree on what action it'll be; the official action taken will be whatever the wiki says it is when I go to do the update. Generally House actions won't require a roll, but the effect will depend on the relevant House skill. Also, the skill will usually determine how long the action takes (it might span multiple turns).

Typical House actions:

  • Explore a hex [Exploration]
  • Add an explored hex to the colony [Exploration + Industry]
  • Build a building on a colony hex [Industry]
  • Gather some resources (mine or farm or whatever) [Industry + Trade]
  • Ship some goods [Diplomacy + Trade]
  • Move troops around (and maybe attack someone with them) [Military]
  • Improve a building on a colony hex [Research + [building type] ]
  • Improve the stats of one set of troops [Research + Military]

Character Actions

Characters can take one action a turn. These are more standard RPG things like negotiating with prospective trade partners, sneaking into places, wooing people for fun and profit, lying on couches eating grapes, dueling, that sort of thing.

Turns will be three times weekly. There'll be some page where you list your house and individual actions, and they'll basically all resolve at once. In some cases we'll play out actions in more detail, and in some cases you'll just say what you want to do and we'll roll. I assume people will sometimes want to do private actions; we can manage that through email or maybe there's some way to do it through the wiki.