7 willpower - spent 5xp raising melee to 1 - spent 5xp raising survival to 1 - spent 3xp learning Quartermaster - spent 3xp learning Pathfinder - spent 10xp raising survival to 2 - spent 9xp going 2->3 for Elemental magic - spent 9xp going 0->2 for Symbolism magic - spent 9xp going 0->2 for Stone magic 2 reputation 18 silver 12 rations werda old lady with five seals story hoyra - barbarian orc shaman leader - in frosthold on banks of midden - hogga and horga are other orcs - looking for orc artifacts weird elven ghost with crown of fire, picture of tower/flying buttress - Redrunners say this is "Fairenblaud" or somebody Dannath tells Brilvathin that Alabastor isn't pleased with failure (all misshapen) - Brilvathin dead ambusher Redrunner elves Forks, leader is fighter, small outpost, long-time settlement, trading place Town south of Ashenmark, forester leader magic flagon (Bjarke's warming flagon) owned by a death knight somewhere? star seal we broke other seals: trident, snake, open flame, horn Tovan the dwarf adventurer, fell into a crevasse Raman's thundering drum is in an elven ruin near fort promise somewhere 23 copper diary with rumor: ruin is southeast of fort promise, one south copper crown (3 silver) bronze statuette (17 copper) amulet from worm statue (18 silver) ghosts in stone circle talking about "cursed seals" and "Blaudvid" (disparagingly) - Blaudvid is some ancient elvish druid, current cult exists - she's guy who created ice giants - chamber of the fallen Teon, ice giant scholar - King Bele - conflict in court between Bohr (traditional) and Rym (iconoclastic) - ice giants' numbers are dwindling, not sure what to do - statue of orc riding rhinox, sword in one hand, fist in other - orcs, wolfkin, redrunners (?) - Bruas - giant who had ice snakes all over him passes to the south that misgrown are travelling through - the winding ways, east of this ruin silver broach (4d6 silver) silver medallion (3d6 silver) wyvern egg maple syrup available from logging camp elven documents on magic - use instead of a magic tutor twice (given to king bele) bronze medallion (3d6 copper) from grave jogrich and korkon going to underwater city in raven straight Bur, ice giant scout, had magic boots King whatever of Alderland has his eye on the bitter reach (General Barragore) nimserin ruin - 4 small blue glass beads (put under tongue?) - community - a lot of red glass beads (maybe poison?) - ? - a few green glass beads (mostly smashed?) - captivity? - green dust for glass beads? - used light to communicate with palace of winter king pouch of silver coins silver goblet (4d6 silver) beautiful vase (3d6 silver) hardwood cabinet (5d6 silver) group of five: giant snake, giant squid, three dragons; frost dragon palace of winter king is near fist of namatar wolfkin from giant palace: pilika, dawn, blaze Fortress: - pulley system to go up/down cliff - some broken walls, reinforced with wood - towers on either side of castle with people - 9-foot tall misgrown leader - 4 flying misgrown crystal flask could be imbued with power (spend 1 wp to make glow; skif has it) engraved metal plate from ghost ship (traded to glitterhome elves for training) knife morning star (sold to trader) 44 copper coins heavy warhammer leather armor one-handed bronze axe (worth d6 silver) silver box worth 17 silver (traded to elves) 185 silver coins another silver box worth 20 silver bronze necklace from some murderer - Atley the Gulper golden necklace worth 9 gold amulet +1 gear dice for elemental magic ancient elven short sword worth 6 silver 9 copper magical Ramman's thundering drum (can cast earthquake once per quarter day) locked chest (22 copper, pre lock being broken) silver chest (8 sp) light coming out of cave near ice giant palace 1) gates 2) ice wall 3) Ingmarg's stronghold - buys treasure 4) Ogmar (?) the tailor 5) cuss & dang's inn 6) store - equipment and supplies (also try Hillis for better stuff) 7) smithy - holbend the dwarf 8) town marshal (Volle) - missions 9) big stone staircase 10) fishing wharf 11) whaler camp 12) lighthouse of the elves (haunted) 13) ransacked ruins Council of Elders, Elder Jua INGREDIENTS: For Elemental Magic, ingredients work differently compared to other disciplines. In order to cast a spell of elemental magic, you must have access to a specific ingredient – usually one of the four elements. You can only manipulate the elements, not create them out of thin air. The ingredient does not give the bonus indicated on page 118 of the Player’s Handbook – instead, it is a requirement to cast the spell. For some spells, you can choose which ingredient you want to use. ELEMENTAL MAGIC SPELL RANK Combustion 1 Sunder 1 Suffocate 1 Water Breathing 1 Heat of the Moment 2 Rock Storm 2 Flight 2 Parch 2 Fireball 3 Stoneskin 3 Tornado 3 Flood Wave 3 Summon Elemental 4 COMBUSTION ✥ RANK 1 ✥ RANGE: Near ✥ DURATION: Immediate ✥ INGREDIENT: Fire Manipulating the element of fire, you make any non-living object suddenly burst into flame. If used against a held item, the target must drop the item or suffer one point of damage. If used against clothes or armor, the victim suffers an attack rolled with a number of Base Dice equal to twice the Power Level (Weapon Damage 1, non-typical). The victim catches fire and suffers another point of damage at the start of every round until a MOVE roll (slow action) is made to extinguish the flames. Armor has no effect. SUNDER ✥ RANK 1 ✥ RANGE: Arm’s Length ✥ DURATION: Immediate ✥ INGREDIENT: The object to be sundered Breaking the invisible bonds holding physical matter together, you split apart any object. Using this spell, you can break any non-living and non-magical object. For each Power Level, the item loses one point of Gear Bonus or suffers ten points of damage. Armor has no effect. SUFFOCATE ✥ RANK 1 ✥ RANGE: Near ✥ DURATION: One round per Power Level ✥ INGREDIENT: A living victim Commanding the element of wind, you suffocate a victim by literally pulling the air out of their lungs. The target suffers one point of damage at the start of each subsequent round, for a number of rounds equal to the Power Level. Armor has no effect. If the victim is Broken by the effect of the spell, they die after D6 rounds unless saved with a HEAL roll. While under the effect of the spell, the victim cannot talk or scream. WATER BREATHING ✥ RANK 1 ✥ RANGE: Arm’s Length ✥ DURATION: One turn (15 minutes) ✥ INGREDIENT: Water You grant yourself or a creature you touch the ability to breath water as if it was air, eliminating the danger of drowning. Each Power Level increases the number of creatures you can affect by one or increases the duration by one turn. These extra effects can be combined. HEAT OF THE MOMENT ✥ RANK 2 ✥ RANGE: Near ✥ DURATION: Immediate ✥ INGREDIENT: Fire By calling forth the element of fire in the heart of another living being, you cause your victim to be overcome by anger and rage. Make an opposed roll with a number of Base Dice equal to twice the Power Level against the INSIGHT skill of the victim. You cannot push the roll. If you win, the victim goes berserk and must immediately attack everyone in NEAR range and keep fighting until they are Broken, or all enemies have fled or are Broken. No effect against monsters or creatures that lack Wits. ROCK STORM ✥ RANK 2 ✥ RANGE: Short ✥ DURATION: Immediate ✥ INGREDIENT: Earth Manipulating the element of Earth, you hurl stones and rocks at an enemy in combat. The damage (to Strength) from your attack is equal to the Power Level. Armor works normally. FLIGHT ✥ RANK 2 ✥ RANGE: Arm’s Length ✥ DURATION: One round ✥ INGREDIENT: Wind Controlling the air around you, you create a small whirlwind that propels you into the air. Using the spell, you can fly instead of RUN for one round, with a Movement Rate of 2. The casting of the spell doesn’t count as an action in itself. For each additional Power Level, you can fly for an additional round or bring another person with you. PARCH ✥ RANK 2 ✥ RANGE: Arm’s Length ✥ DURATION: Immediate ✥ INGREDIENT: A living victim Controlling the element of water, you draw the fluids out of a living victim. They immediately become THIRSTY and suffer damage to Agility equal to the Power Level. Armor has no effect.