For people who are curious, here's a SR4 version of Asher (the original's at Overall, this build is pretty close to the other one, I think. The main difference is probably in the attributes -- this build has pretty good attributes, whereas before Asher had really outstanding attributes. On the other hand, attributes make a bigger difference in SR4, so it's not too surprising that they're more expensive here. It seems like it's a sucker bet to buy the 6th attribute point, since it costs more than twice as much (25) as any earlier level (10), but I guess if you really want it. The skill groups are a nice touch -- it feels like I spent about the same (relative) amount of character points in SR4 as I did in SR3 but got a more-rounded set of skills. On the other hand, since skill groups cost 10 per level just like attributes, you have to ask yourself with each level if you'd be better off raising the attribute instead. Specializations are done better in this version too, as they give a straight die bonus and cost a few BP. I couldn't find a price for specialized knowledge/language skills, which was kind of weird. I also couldn't find out if, at character creation, you could buy a skill group for a few levels and then raise one of the skills a few more levels. You can certainly do this after character creation, but I'm not clear if you can do it during. The adept powers are nicer overall, but the raised importance of attributes means that the attribute increase power is more expensive, which is painful -- I couldn't afford to take the permanent attribute boost power like I did in SR3, so I ended up taking the temporary-boost power instead (which lasts for a bit and then wears off, causing stun damage). It's nice that the gear/wealth system is more directly equated to build points, that you can get money with much finer granularity, and that the price of most non-combat gear seems to be lowered. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Starting BP: 400) Attributes: (physical/mental, 10 BP per level, 25 for last point, max 200 BP) Body 2 (10 BP) Agility 5 (40 BP) Reaction 4 (20 BP) (+1 bonus from improved reflexes) Strength 3 (20 BP) Charisma 5 (40 BP) Intuition 5 (40 BP) Logic 2 (10 BP) Willpower 3 (20 BP) (special attributes) Edge 3 (10 BP) Magic 5 (40 BP) (requires Adept/Shaman/Mage quality) (derived attributes) Initiative (Rea+Int) 8 Essence 6 Skills: (active skills) (4 BP per level, max 1 level-6 skill or 2 level-5 skills, all others level-4 or less) (skill groups 10 BP per level [max level 4 initially], specializations 2 BP each, max one per skill) Athletics Group 3 (30 BP) [Strength/Agility] Unarmed Combat 4 (16 BP) [Agility] Pistols 4 (16 BP) - Specialization: Semi-automatics (2 BP) [Agility] Stealth Group 3 (30 BP) [Intuition/Agility] Influence Group 3 (30 BP) [Charisma] (usually +1 from Kinesics) Dodge 2 (8 BP) [Reaction] Pilot Ground Craft 1 (4 BP) - Specialization: Bike (2 BP) [Reaction] Perception 2 (8 BP] [Intuition] (knowledge skills - (logic + intuition) * 3 free levels, more for 2 BP per level, max purchasable = same as free levels) Professional: Covert Ops 4 [Logic] Professional: Business 2 - Specialization: Megacorps (cost 1? not sure) [Logic] Interest: Seattle Upper-class Nightlife 4 [Intuition] Interest: Meditation 3 [Intuition] Academic: Magic Theory 2 [Logic] (language skills - bought out of knowledge pool) English (native) Japanese 3 [Intuition] Sperethiel 2 [Intuition] Qualities: Adept (5 BP) SINner (-5 BP) [Ares Corp] Adept Powers (5 points to spend) Improved Reflexes 1 (2.00p) Low-light Vision, Vision Magnification, Thermographic Vision, Flare Compensation (1.00p) Hearing Amplification, Dampener (0.50p) Kinesics 1 (0.50p) Attribute (Body) Boost 2 (0.5p) Attribute (Strength) Boost 2 (0.5p) Gear: (purchased with nY, at 5k nY per BP, max 250k nY) 4 BP spent Unarmed damage [(Str/2)S damage] Upperclass Lifestyle, 1 month [10k nY] Ares Predator IV [5P damage, -1 AP, 350 nY] Quick-Draw Holster [100 nY] Silencer [200 nY] Extra Ammo * 2 [40 nY] Flash-Pak [200 nY] Smoke Grenade * 3 [90 nY] Armor Vest [6/4 ballistic/impact, 600 nY] Flashlight [25 nY] Meta Link brand Commlink [Response 1, Signal 2, 100 nY] Dodge Scoot [Handling +1, Accel 10/15, Speed 60, 3k nY] Basic Docwagon, 1 year [5k nY]