Asher Simmons -- who goes by 'A-Plus' on the street -- was born in an ordinary house to an ordinary family in an ordinary suburb surrounded by ordinary heavily-armed security guards, since this was a corporate enclave. His father Aiden was (until he retired) an accountant, and his mother Hannah was a housewife. Asher, on the other hand, was a handful. Bright and willful as a child, he didn't get any less so as he grew up, and it was matched by an extraordinary physical presence that his parents eventually realized was partly due to magic. They sent him to magical tutoring for a while, until they decided Asher would never make it as a sorcerer, and then to the gym just to keep him busy. At university Asher studied accounting on his parents' insistence, and psychology, shooting, and sorority girls on his own. When Asher graduated, he politely but firmly announced his intention of going out and finding something more exciting than corporate life. He bummed around for a while, picking up a few less legal skills that, again, he seemed to find a natural aptitude for. A chance connection led him to a simple b-and-e job (simple, that is, for someone who had no cyberwear to arouse suspicion), which led to a large payout, which led to Asher deciding that shadowrunning was what he'd been looking for all along. He took the payout, moved to Seattle, and promptly spent all of it in a six-month spree of fine dining, clubbing, and a girlfriend or two. In fact, he's pretty much flat broke at this point, and the lease on his place comes due in a few weeks. Luckily he met this guy clubbing who knows a guy who knows a guy who says he's got a job. Asher doesn't fit in perfectly with the standard shadowrunning crowd in the sense that he's from a fairly corporate, upper-middle-class background. People from his own social class tend to think he's cool and living on the edge, but this is mainly because they have no idea what the real edge is actually like. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Race: E (Human) Magic: B (Adept) Attributes: C (24) Skills: A (50) Resources: D (20k nY) Body: 4 [boosted from 2] Quickness: 6 [boosted from 5] Strength: 4 [boosted from 2] Charisma: 5 Intelligence: 6 Willpower: 4 Essence: 6 Magic: 6 Reaction (avg(int, quick), +reflexes): 8 [boosted from 5] Init: 2d6+8 Combat Pool ((int + quick + will)/2): 8 Karma: 1 Physical Adept powers (6 pts): - Improved Reflexes - 2.00 [+2 reaction, +1 init die] - Improved Physical Attributes - 2.50 [+2 body, +2 str, +1 quickness] - Low-light Vision, Vision Magnification, Thermographic Vision, Flare Compensation - 1.00 - Hearing Amplification, Dampener - 0.50 Active Skills: (50 pts) Stealth - 6 [Quick/7 pts] Athletics - 6 [Body/10 pts] Electronics - 4 [Int/4 pts] Negotiations - 4 [Cha/5 pts] Fast-talk - 6 Etiquette - 4 [Cha/5 pts] Corporate Etiquette - 6 Unarmed Combat - 4 [Str/6 pts] Pistols - 4 [Quick/5 pts] Ares Predator - 6 Rifle - 3 [Quick/3 pts] Bike - 3 [Reaction/3 pts] Biotech - 1 [Int/2 pts] First Aid - 3 Knowledge Skills: (30 pts) Magic Theory - 4 Fancy Restaurants - 3 Seattle Upper-Class Nightlife - 3 Vocation: Covert Ops - 4 Corporate Politics - 4 Corporate Finances - 4 Architecture - 4 Psychology - 4 Language Skills: (9 pts) English - 4 Read/Write - 2 Japanese - 3 Read/Write - 1 Sperethiel [Elven] - 2 Read/Write - 1 Contacts: Maximilian, rich guy involved in some anti-cyberware agitation Avery ("It's not Avery, it's *Glitter*"), casual girlfriend Lifestyle: High (paid this month only) Vehicle: Dodge Scoot (4000 nY) [Handling 3/6, Speed 60, Accel 3, B/A 2/0, Sig 5] Equipment (total weight: 12.35kg; cost of starting equipment: 5990): Ares Predator (450 nY) [Conceal 5, 15 rounds (clip), 9M, Weight 2.25] Spare clips x2 ((5+(20*1.5)) nY each) [Weight 0.75 each] Silencer (500 nY) [-2 Conceal, Weight 0.2] External Level II Smartlink [-2 Conceal, Weight 0.75] Concealable Quick-Draw Holster (150 nY) [+2 Conceal, Weight 0.10] Level II Smartgoggles [Weight 0.1] Flash-Pak (250 nY) [Weight 0.20] Smoke Grenade x3 (30 nY each) [Weight 0.25 each] Armor Vest w/Plates (600 nY) [Impact 4, Ballistic 3, Weight 2, Conceal 10] Tres Chic Clothing (1000 nY) [Weight 1] Ordinary Clothing (50 nY) [Weight 1] Pocket Secretary (2000 nY) [Conceal 3, Weight 0.50, built-in camera, cellphone, 100 MP computer] Wrist-model Cellphone with Flip Screen (150 nY) [Conceal 4, Weight 0] Micro-Transceiver [Conceal 10, Weight 0] External Subvocal Microphone [Conceal 12, Weight 0] Pocket Flashlight (10 nY) [Conceal 12, Weight 0] Micro-Recorder (500 nY) [Conceal 9, Weight 0, Device Rating 1] Medkit (200 nY) [Weight 3, Rating 3] Income/Expenditures: Leftover from creation + starting nY: 1,210 nY Run 1: 5,000 nY Run 2: 7,900 nY Run 3: 2,350 nY Expenses: Payment to Barker (300 nY), Autopsy payment (500 nY) Between-run purchases: Monthly Rent (10,000 nY) 6 Smoke Grenades [1 replacement, 1 added, 4 extra] (175 nY) Micro-Transceiver (1,000 nY) Subvocal Microphone (500 nY) Smartgoggles Level II + External Smartlink (3,500 nY) Leftover: 485 nY