Barrel Pete, The Guy What Lives In A Barrel, is a guy who lives in a barrel. He is old and skinny and lanky with a seriously scraggly beard and probably dirty but it is hard to tell because he never comes out of the barrel (it has holes in the bottom so he can stick his legs out and walk around). He is fairly well-known among the street-person community since he used to be a beggar until he made it big and got this cushy job (well, sort of cushy). He is possibly crazy and has no real skills beyond skillful usage of a barrel and panhandling. Barrel Pete, The Guy What Lives In A Barrel ST: 7 (-20 points) DX: 10 (0 points) IQ: 12 (20 points) HT: 15 (60 points) (these stats take the barrel into account -- without it, more like ST 8, DX 12, IQ 12, HT 10) mid-forties, 5'8", 120 lbs (not including barrel) Advantages: Unattractive Appearance (-5 points) [-1 on reaction rolls] Good Reputation with street people [large class, sometimes show up, +4 rep] (5 points) Wealth: Poor (-15 points) [broke, but can occasionally sucker some money out of people] Double-Jointed (5 points) [+3 to climbing/escape/mechanic rolls] Disease-resistant (5 points) Quirk: Hates to leave barrel (-1 point) Skills: Score Cost Notes Area Knowledge (M/E) 16 8 Ankh-Mopork, natch Camouflage (M/E) 12 1 Escape (P/H) 15 16 includes +3 from double-jointed Streetwise (M/A) 16 10 Survival (M/A) 16 10 On city streets Shield (P/E) 16 18 (Assumes he's wearing the barrel)