Nexxus is notable both for the incredible care he takes of his curly blond hair and for the magical smackdown he administers to anyone standing in the way of his path to wealth. Name: Nexxus the Magnificent Alignment: Lawful Neutral Race: Human Class: Wizard (5) str 11 -> +0 dex 14 -> +2 con 12 -> +1 int 16 -> +3 (includes headband) wis 12 -> +1 cha 11 -> +0 Hit points: 18/18 [4 3 4 1 1 / (+1 (con) * 5 (level)] Init bonus: +2 [+0 +2 (dex)] AC: 17/13 [10 +2 (dex) +1 ring +4 (mage armor spell)] BAB: +2 Fort: +3 [+1 +1 (con) +1 (cloak)] Reflex: +4 [+1 +2 (dex) +1 (cloak)] Will: +6 [+4 +1 (wis) +1 (cloak)] Attacks: Quarterstaff (damage 1d6/20/x2, to-hit +2 [+2 BAB]) Light crossbow (damage 1d8/19-20/x2, to-hit +4 [+2 BAB +2 (dex)], range 80 ft) Skills (40 points): Spellcraft: 14 [8 ranks + 3 (int) + 2 (synergy)] Concentration: 12 [8 ranks + 1 (con) + 3 (skill focus)] Knowledge (arcana): 11 [8 ranks + 3 (int)] Knowledge (the planes): 11 [8 ranks + 3 (int)] Knowledge (history): 11 [8 ranks + 3 (int)] Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic Abilities: Base speed 30 feet Scribe Scroll Brew Potion Eschew Materials Skill Focus (concentration) Improved Familiar (small fire elemental) Alertness when familiar is near (+2 listen/spot) Proficient with the club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, and quarterstaff, but not with any type of armor or shield. Equipment (capacity: 38 lbs, 76 lbs, 115 lbs) Masterwork quarterstaff - (300 gp, 4 lb) (continual flame w/cover on tip) Light crossbow - (35 gp, 4 lb) 10 quarrels (1 gp, 1 lb each) Ring of protection +1 - (2000 gp) Cloak of resistance +1 - (1000 gp) Headband of intellect +2 - (4000 gp) Backpack - (2 gp, 2 lb) Pearl of power - (1000 gp) (Can recall one cast 1st-level spell) Tree feather token - (400 gp) (Creates a 60-foot-high tree) Rations (7 days) - (0.5 gp, 1 lb each) Bedroll - (0.5 gp, 5 lb) Scholar's outfit Spells: Can cast 4+0 0th-, 3+1 1st-, 2+1 2nd-, and 1+1 3rd-level spells per day Can cast one additional evocation (*) spell of each level Spell DC: 10 + 3 (int) + spell level Can't use abjuration or illusion spells or effects Level 0: Detect Magic: duration concentration, up to 1 min/level 1st round detects if exists, 2nd detects count, 3rd detects locations of each Read Magic: duration 10 min/level Acid Orb: ranged touch attack, 1d3 damage Daze: Humanoid of 4 HD or less takes no action for 1 round if will save failed *Dancing Lights: Create illusionary lights, duration 1 minute *Flare: Dazzle (takes -1 to hit, search, spot) creature for 1 minute, fort save negates *Ray of Frost: ranged touch attach, 1d3 damage Arcane Mark: inscribes more or less permanent rune on something Prestidigitation: miscellaneous magical effects for 1 hour Level 1: Mage Armor: +4 armor, duration 1 hour/level Identify: identify the powers of a magic item *Magic Missile: 3 missiles doing 1d4+1 damage each Charm Person: Humanoid becomes your friend, duration 1 hour/level, will save negates Sleep: 4 HD of creatures fall asleep, duration 1 min/level, will save negates, 1 round to cast *Floating Disk: disk of force that follows you, 3 feet diameter, holds 100 lbs/level, duration 1 hour/level Enlarge Person: humanoid becomes bigger, duration 1 round/level Level 2: Glitterdust: 10 foot radius, duration 1 round/level, reveals invisibles, blinds creatures failing will save *Continual Flame: Create permanent, heatless torch *Flaming Sphere: Sphere that moves 30 feet/round, duration 1 round/level, damage 2d6 (reflex negates) Control with a move action Blindness/Deafness: Touch attack and failed fortitude save makes subject permanently blind or deaf (caster can dismiss) Level 3: Haste: 1 subject/level, duration 1 round/level, +1 to-hit, AC, reflex saves; get one extra attack at max bonus during full attack *Fireball: 1d6 damage/level, 20 foot radius Sparky, small fire elemental familiar Hit dice: 2d8 (9 hp) Init: +5 AC: 19/18 (10 +1 (size) +1 (dex) +6 (natural) +1 (dodge)) BAB: +2 Attacks: slam (1d4/20/x2 damage, +1d4 fire; to-hit +4 (+2 BAB +1 size +1 dex) hit causes target to catch on fire for 1d4 rounds, reflex DC 11 negates Saves: fort +1, reflex +4, will +4 Abilities: Darkvision 60 feet Speed 50 feet Immune to fire Vulnerable to cold Can't enter water Dodge Weapon Finesse Improved Initiative Attackers with natural weapons burn as though hit Improved Evasion (half/no damage from things that allow reflex saves) Can share spells cast by Nexxus Empathic link with Nexxus Can deliver touch spells for Nexxus Can talk to Nexxus Skills: Listen +2, Spot +3