He's a lion on the battlefield and a tiger in the bedroom, a panther on the rooftops and a jaguar in the taverns, a housecat in court and a leopard when outnumbered. Name: Canape, the Tiny Tiger Alignment: Neutral Good Race: Halfling Class: Rogue (3) / Fighter (2) [Rogue Fighter Rogue Fighter Rogue] str 12 -> +1 dex 17 -> +3 con 12 -> +1 int 17 -> +3 wis 8 -> -1 cha 14 -> +2 Hit points: 39/39 [6 10 4 8 6 / (+1 (con) * 5 (level)] Init bonus: +7 [+0 +3 (dex) +4 (feat)] AC: 19 [10 +3 (dex) +1 (size) +5 (armor)] -- +1 vs traps BAB: +5 (includes +1 from size; has racial bonus of +1 with thrown/slings) Fort: +6 [+4 +1 (con) +1 (racial)] Reflex: +7 [+3 +3 (dex) +1 (racial)] -- +1 vs traps Will: +1 [+1 -1 (wis) +1 (racial)] +2 to saves vs fear Attacks: +1 dagger (damage 1d3+2/19-20/x2, used alone: to-hit +9 [+5 BAB +3 dex +1 magic] used as primary of pair: to-hit +7 used as secondary of pair: to-hit +7, -1 damage thrown: to-hit +10, -1 damage, range 10 feet) Sneak attack adds +2d6 damage when appropriate (opponent flanked or denied dex bonus, applies for ranged weapon within 30 feet) Skills (76 points: 44 5 11 5 11) Move Silently: 13 [8 ranks + 3 (dex) + 2 (racial)] Hide: 15 [8 ranks + 3 (dex) + 4 (size)] Tumble: 13 [8 ranks + 3 (dex) + 2 (feat)] Diplomacy: 10 [8 ranks + 2 (cha)] Bluff: 10 [8 ranks + 2 (cha)] Listen: 7 [6 ranks - 1 (wis) + 2 (racial)] Climb: 9 [6 ranks + 1 (str) + 2 (racial)] Jump: 11 [6 ranks + 1 (str) + 2 (racial) + 2 (feat)] Appraise: 9 [6 ranks + 3 (int)] Open Lock: 11 [6 ranks + 3 (dex) + 2 (masterwork tools)] Disable Device: 11 [6 ranks + 3 (int) + 2 (masterwork tools)] Disguise: 3 [0 ranks + 3 (cha)] -- +10 w/hat of disguise Languages: Common, Halfling, Goblin, Orc, Elven Abilities: Base speed 20 feet Evasion: No damage on successful reflex save Acrobatic (+2 jump/tumble) Weapon Finesse (use dex modifier to hit with weapons) Two-Weapon Fighting (reduced penalties with two weapons) Improved Initiative (+4 to initiative) Sneak Attack (2d6) Equipment (capacity: 32 lbs, 65 lbs, 98 lbs) 2 +1 daggers - (2002 gp, 1 lb each) 3 normal daggers - (2 gp, 1 lb each) +1 mithril chain shirt - (2100 gp, 13 lb) (no armor check penalty) Backpack - (2 gp, 2 lb) Hat of disguise - (1800 gp) (+10 to disguise checks, change height by 1 foot) Rations (3 days) - (0.5 gp, 1 lb each) Flint and steel - (1 gp, n/a) 3 torches - (0.01 gp, 1 lb each) Bedroll - (0.5 gp, 5 lb) Traveler's outfit Masterwork thieves' tools - (100 gp, 2 lb)