Venzi dal Vento ("Venzi, from the wind") TRAITS: Brawn 2 [8] Finesse 3 [16] Wits 3 [8] Resolve 2 [8] Panache 3 [16] ARCANA: Loyal [-10] ADVANTAGES: Vodacce (r/w) [1] Castillian [3 xp] Cymru (ACQ) [3 xp] Eisen (ACQ) [3 xp] Combat Reflexes [3] Keen Senses [2] Membership: Swordsman's Guild [free] BACKGROUNDS: Seeking revenge against brothers [1] Possibly recognizable as former pirate [1] SWORDSMAN SCHOOL: Ambrogia SKILLS: Fencing: Attack 3, Parry 3 [4 (skill for free)] Dirty Fighting: Attack 2, Throat Strike 1 [1, 2 xp (skill for free)] Knife: Attack 3, Parry 1, Throw 1 [4, 2 xp] Athlete: Climbing 2, Footwork 3, Sprinting 1, Throwing 1 [4] Sailor: Balance 2, Climbing 2, Knotwork 1, Rigging 1, Swimming 1 [3, 2 xp] Courtier: Dancing 1, Etiquette 1, Fashion 1, Oratory 1 [2] Scholar: History 1, Mathematics 1, Philosophy 1, Research 1, Astronomy 1 [2, 2 xp] Gambling (Specialty) 1 [1] Feint 1 [0] Pommel Strike 2 [0, 4 xp] Riposte 1 [0] Exploit Weakness (Ambrogia) 1 [0] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Foreigners associate Vodacce so strongly with treachery and betrayal that they imagine all who live there spend their entire lives skulking around back alleys, stabbing each other with one hand while trading illicit poisons with the other. This is curious, forgetting as it does the uncountable beauties of Vodacce -- the vineyards, ripening in the sun; the hills, green and lush or sparse but still beautiful; the food, the wine, the parties -- and also forgetting that generally, a single stab in the back is all you really need to get ahead in life. Venzi was raised from birth in the beautiful side of Vodacce. His father, Virgilio Tagliati, was a minor noble, a side-branch of the Bernoulli family. He was getting on in years, but still the head of the family, and still running his estate in north-east Vodacce. His wife Marianna having died in childbirth some years ago, he had been left to raise his three sons alone. Venzi was the middle child -- his elder brother was Luciano, a fool who was unable to look beyond his own appetites, and his younger brother was Angelo, who was wicked. It is no surprise, then, that Venzi was his father's favorite, and so no surprise, then, that Venzi's brothers decided he must be gotten rid of. Once the plan was made the execution was simple enough. Luciano and Angelo took Venzi out drinking, and sometime at the height of the party things went black. Venzi awoke to the cry of birds and the gentle rocking of the ground; further inspection showed the floor was made of wood planks, the birds were gulls, and he was shackled in the hull of a slave ship heading for the Crescent Empire. You might think the story ends here, and so perhaps it should -- but you forget about Fate. Somewhere a hand reached out, a thread twisted, and up on deck, the lookout shouted "pirates!" Generally pirates avoid slave ships heading to the Crescent Empire, as they are filled with slaves and not with the treasures paid for them. But this particular pirate ship was in need of crew, and its commander, Captain Avery, gave the order to board the slave ship. The battle was short and decisive, and at the end, the slavers and their slaves were given the same offer: join up or be left to drift. The slave-ship's officers declined the pirates' generous deal, as did some of the frightened or foolish slaves. But Venzi, at least, saw a new destiny stretching ahead of him. Avery had saved his life and Venzi would do his best to see that debt repaid. Venzi sailed with the pirates for four years. This life was so different from the one he had led back in Vodacce that it seemed like that one was just a dream, and yet it was skills he had learned then that saved his life now. Fencing lessons, only half-heard at the time, came back stronger than ever once they were truly needed. Supplementing these, Venzi learned new abilities and new reflexes to survive at sea, and was finally beginning to settle in when everything changed once more. Avery was a clever man but perhaps had grown arrogant with success. Or maybe he just got unlucky once too often. In any case, the latest captured prize turned out to be a decoy bristling with soldiers, there were two other guard-ships hidden behind the island, and a disasterous battle left Avery and three-quarters of his crew dead, and the rest scattered. Some Fate Witches say there is always a thread that ties you to your homeland, and it requires only a tug to pull you back no matter how far you have roamed. Whether or not this is true, it is certainly true that when Venzi finally made his way to a tavern in a nearby port, and sat down with a glass of wine to collect his thoughts, he realized it was time to go home. Avery had bound him to the waves, and he had served faithfully, but he was bound no longer, and there were other commitments to fulfill. He booked a cabin on a ship bound for Vodacce (it was strangely pleasant to be passenger now, instead of crew), and, some days later, stepped onto Vodacce soil for the first time in years. Venzi felt his thin purse -- enough for a week's lodging, perhaps. But his mind had already drifted onto other things. His hand drifted to the hilt of his sword, and he gazed off at a point far in the distance. "Luciano, Angelo," Venzi murmured. "I have come back for you." ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (Sempronia's note) GM whispers, "It reads merely, "Money and connections will be yours. The power of de Falisci will help you regain your position.""