Vicq (the Mighty) is a tiefling, although he's got just a hint of red to his skin and a slight point on ears and teeth. He dresses with careful attention to style and always moves as if he's the center of attention. In his youth, desperation for a better life caused him to sign a demonic pact; grown, he's starting to regret it, but still has hopes of emerging the winner by pulling off the biggest con of all. Name: Vicq the Mighty Alignment: Chaotic Good Race: Tiefling Class: Warlock 4 Speed: 30 Initiative: +2 (+2 dex) Languages: Common, Infernal Deity: Only to be polite Str 9 -> -1 [includes racial +1] Dex 14 -> +2 Con 14 -> +2 Int 12 -> +1 Wis 10 -> +0 Cha 18 -> +4 [includes racial +2, ASI +2] Hit points: 31/31 Hit Dice: 4d8 AC: 14 (+2 armor, +2 dex) Saves: Wisdom, Charisma Tools: Thieves' Tools, Gambling Set (Cards) Languages: Common, Infernal Skills: Arcana, Deception, Persuasion, Stealth Resistances: Fire Resistance Spell Save DC: 14 [8 + proficiency + cha] Spell Attack Mod: +6 [proficiency + cha] Background: Criminal Powers: * Cast Hellish Rebuke at 2nd level 1/long rest (3d10, dex save) [racial] * Dark One's Blessing: Gain temp hp of cha mod + level when reducing foe to 0 hp [patron] * Agonizing Blast: +cha to eldritch blast damage [eldritch invocation] * Mask of Many Faces: disguise self at will [eldritch invocation] * Cast 2 warlock spells/short rest at 2nd level Spells Known: * Cantrips: * Thaumaturgy [racial] * Eldritch Blast (1d10 [+ cha], 120 feet) * Mage Hand * Guidance [pact] * Vicious Mockery (1d4 damage + disadvantage, wis save) [pact] * Minor Illusion [pact] * Light * 1st Level: * Burning Hands (3d6 [+1d6/slot > 1] damage, dex save, 15 foot cone) [patron] * Command (wis save) [patron] * Hex (+1d6 necrotic damage) * Armor of Agathys (5 temp hp + cold damage per spell level) * 2nd Level: * Blindness (con save) [patron] * Scorching Ray (3 rays, 2d6 damage each) [patron] * Invisibility * Misty Step (30 feet) * Hold Person (wis save) Equipment: Crowbar Dark Clothes w/Hood Arcane Focus (Bone Rod) Dungeoneer's Pack (he has stitched awesome flames onto the side) Leather Armor Rapier (not proficient) 2 Daggers