Nobilis chancel powers
In addition to the powers of the nobilis that inhabit them, chancels
can have certain intrinsic powers. These can range from being
conveniently located relative to wherever you are, to having mystical
guardians against attackers. Some of them are worth negative points,
to give you more points to spend on others. The base number of points
you can spend on the chancel is equal to the sum of the highest five
realm scores of the nobilis in the chancel. And as usual, if you have
other ideas for chancel powers, lemme know and we'll work it out:
Sample chancel powers:
- Convenient Accessibility - 2 points (within a day of almost
- Mobile - 7 points (entrances can move around)
- Ubiquitous - 6 points (can connect to almost everywhere)
- Open - -2 points (has a mile-wide border instead of a single
- Bane Avara - -1 per two (troublesome in-chancel spirits)
- Allia Avara - 3 per (miraculous object or spirit)
- Borderguard - 3-20 points (chancel uses miracles to attack invaders)
- Defender's Blessing - 2-10 points (effective auctoritas for
everyone in chancel (doesn't stack with spirit))
- Extra Landlord - -(1-4) points (you're not in charge; ruler might not like you)
- Magical Inhabitants - 1-9 points (chancel has high magic/tech,
only usable in-channel)
- Resources - -2-11 points (chancel rejects outside tech/magic; or
technology from inside can/can't be carried out)
- Mana Mine - -2-5 points (chancel either creates miracle points or
drains them)
- Popularity - -3/6 points (you are especially popular/unpopular
- Spirit Gateway - -4/4 points (chancel has two-way gate to elsewhere)