Nobilis gifts
Since there seems to be some interest in character design, and because
gifts are possibly the most broad (and hence unclear) part of the
design, I'm writing this up. Gifts are essentially limited versions of
domain powers: you can model having flaming hair as being a creation
from the domain of Fire, for instance, or being a werewolf as a change
of Physical Form. The point cost for the gift depends on how difficult
the effect is (eg, changes are harder than creations — this is
all explained in the domain miracle list, which is probably at one of
the urls on the intro page), what range it
can be used at (just on you versus on other people), and how limited
the effect is (having flaming hair versus being able to create fire
anywhere versus being able to create anything from the domain of
That said, don't worry about it too much: if you have an idea for a
gift you want, tell me, and I'll work out the point cost. If it helps,
here are some of the sample gifts in the rulebook, with explanations
for the more esoteric.
Aspect gifts:
- Durant - 1 point (character is hard to injure; this is handy)
- Eternal - 3 points (character does not age or hunger or sleep)
- Glorious - 2 points (character projects an emotion; awe or fear are common)
- Immortal - 6 points (character can't die except under, ah, exceptional circumstances)
- Immutable - 1 point (characters get hunger, but won't starve (this is like a minor form of eternal))
- Amphibian - 1 point
- Fire-breathing - 1 point
- Flight - 1 point
- Invisibility - 1 point
- Remove Poison - 1 point (like a unicorn)
- Petrify with a look - 1 point
- Shapeshifting - 1/2 points (1 point for only a few forms)
- Venomous Bite/Sting, or Acidic Spittle - 1 point
Domain gifts:
- Constant domain - 5-9 points (your domain helps you on its
- Elemental - 2 points (can turn your body into your domain substance)
- Gatemaking - 1 point (can create a gate from one end of a road to
the other, including magic roads and those that lead into chancels)
- Wayfinder - 1 point (can see hidden places, including detecting
chancel entrances from a few miles away; from
the border of a chancel, can see everywhere inside)
- Worldwalker - 2 points (can step inside chancels from their
border, bypassing normal entrances; this
includes wayfinder automatically)
- Perfect Timing - 2/5 points (the second can change the past if
- The Sovereign's Gift - 3 points (you can command things in your
estate slowly, regardless of your domain score)
Realm gifts:
- Devoted populace - 3 points
Spirit gifts:
- Luck - 4-9 points
- Unblemished Guise - 1-5 points (other Nobilis can't tell you're a Nobilis on sight)
As you can see, most gifts are Aspect- or Domain-related, depending on
whether they affect your physical form or your power, but there are
some that apply elsewhere. And, like I said, I can give a point score
to any gift you want, so go ahead and think up whatever.