As educated and highly-cultured Montaigne, you are of course familiar with the plot -- Renaldo is the son of Vodacce nobility and Juliana is the daughter of a notorious pirate captain. They meet in a harbor city one day and fall in love. But their families struggle -- Juliana's father steals several valuable chests full of gold from Renaldo's family's ships, and hides them away in his lair. He is pursued and his ship sunk -- as he lies on board dying, he makes Juliana promise to recover his treasure, not knowing Renaldo is of course also promised to recover the treasure. Nevertheless, Renaldo helps Juliana seek it out and foil his family's pursuit, and there is a dramatic scene where they have just dragged out the chests and he holds off the two guards single-handedly as she makes her escape. But then, of course, having broken his word to let her escape, as honor requires, he takes poison, as honor requires. She returns to find him dying, he explains the situation, and then, distraut, she slays herself with her own dagger and the curtain falls.