Weapons of the Gods Mechanics Summary

These are some short blurbs summarizing some of the Weapons of the Gods mechanics.

Making Skill Checks: The following is the procedure for making skill checks. It seems a little complicated, but it'll get easier once you've done it a time or two.

  1. Roll: You roll one die per point in the relevant skill, plus one or two dice if you have a relevant specialty or two, plus one extra die if your attribute is equal or greater to the skill + specialty total (your sheets note which skills don't get bonus dice; every other one does). Note that if you have no value in a skill, you therefore get one die to roll.
  2. Using the River: After rolling the dice, you can use the River. This has three steps:
    1. Discard as many dice as you want from your River.
    2. Move as many dice as you want from your roll into your River. This has a few restrictions: your River has a maximum size (2), and more importantly, the dice you move in have to be part of a set of 2 or more (eg, 2 9s), although you don't have to put the entire set in. Also, if this is just a "style" roll to see how stylishly you pull off something, you can't do this step.
    3. Take out as many dice as you want from your River and add them to your pool of rolled dice.
  3. Use Die Modifiers: This might be kung-fu, or it might be Xia Joss, whatever you want to do to modify the roll.
  4. Pick the Best Set: Or, rather, the set of your choice, which is usually the best one. A set consists of dice all with the same number. The value of a set is the number of dice in a set * 10 + the number, with 0's counting as 0, not 10 -- so 3 9's = 39, 1 3 = 13, 2 5's = 25.
  5. Add Result Modifiers: Some kung-fu and most situational modifiers (equipment, good description for your stunt, etc) give +5 or occasionally +10 or +15, or -5/-10/-15. Add the best positive and worst negative modifier to the value of the set.
  6. Compare To Difficulty: If you get equal or greater to the difficulty, you succeed; if you get at least 10 over, you get a critical success. Typical difficulties are 15 for something that an unskilled person can usually do, 18 for something a skilled person accomplishes routinely but an unskilled person might accomplish, 20 for something a skilled person can usually do but an unskilled person really can't, 30 for something a skilled person can do if they're talented and hard-working, and 40 for something you'll be lucky to accomplish once a game. Similarly, 15-18 are pretty sad for a style check, 20 is competent, 25 impressive, 30 stunning, and so on.
  7. Collect Joss: If your set was a set of zeros, collect a point of Joss -- Xia Joss if your roll succeeded, Corrupt Joss if it failed. You don't collect Joss from style rolls, though.
In addition to the earlier steps, note a few things:

Some Stuff About Combat: Some random notes about combat:

Some Stuff About Chi: A few notes about Chi and Kung Fu: