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There are too many mutations to list here--they're found on pages 123-128 in the Numenera book. They are broken into:

  • 'Beneficial Mutations',
  • 'Harmful Mutations',
  • 'Powerful Mutations',
  • 'Distinctive Mutations', and
  • 'Cosmetic Mutations'.

They are balanced in the core rules by replacing the Descriptor, which usually gives you a bunch of skills. Since everyone in FATE gets the normal suite of skills, this means you can take just one Beneficial Mutation as a Stunt, or spend two stunt slots to get a 'Powerful Mutation'. Distinctive and Cosmetic mutations can be taken in general as part of your description of your character; if one is particularly important to you, you can take it as an Aspect, or you could even make one into a stunt, if you want a mechanical benefit from your mutation.

A Harmful Mutation could be taken as your Trouble aspect, if you so choose.

You are welcome to roll to choose a mutation, but probably will just want to pick one (alternatively, if you're having trouble deciding, roll a few times and pick one).