Agents Of Empire/Turns/11/House Intrepid
Turn 11
Previous turn: Turn 10
House Actions
Shipping: Titanicus and Thunderchild both travel back to Arroyo, stuffed to the gunwales with polo players.
Fighting: The Yowlin' Yoshis do some more aggressive refereeing.
Production: The large warp crystal mine in K14, the Bonanza Mine, produces 2 raw units. The basic hyperidot mine in I13 produces 1 raw unit. Total: +3 raw hyperidot.
Landing: Titanicus and Thunderchild land on Arroyo.
Trade: In for a penny, in for another penny, as the saying goes. Seve blows a further 7MCr on Astro-Polo promotion and stadium upgrades.
Politics: We are totally playing Astro-Polo, and playing to win (especially when facing our traditional rivals from House Intrepid).
Character Actions
Bram Lincoln Continental (Roger):
Seve Ballesteros (Iain): plays in the polo finals.
Next turn: Turn 12