Agents Of Empire/Turns/12/House Intrepid

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Turn 12

Previous turn: Turn 11

House Actions


  • Thunderchild sticks around to guard Arroyo, just in case any last-minute bad mojo goes down.
  • Titanicus loads 2 units of hyperidot, 1 unit of stylish clothes, Seve and Reig, and any polo teams that want to hitch a lift, and heads for the core.
  • We take advantage of that deal way back in turn 1 to ship another 10 units of hyperidot to the core.

Fighting: None, we just shore up our planet's defences.


Production: The large warp crystal mine in K14, the Bonanza Mine, produces 2 raw units. The basic hyperidot mine in I13 produces 1 raw unit. Total: +3 raw hyperidot.



Building: Hmm, we should probably build something, but let's hold off a little longer.

Landing: Titanicus arrives at the core.

Trade: This is it! We recoup our 12Mc investment in the League of Champions, Seve generously donates the 10Mc grand prize to the Intrepid cause, and we sell 12 units of hyperidot, for a total of 34Mc. Ka-ching!

Politics: We pay off our taxes. Did that tax cut actually make it through the senate? If so, looks like we're rolling in cash, woohoo.

Character Actions

Bram Lincoln Continental (Roger): Bram will no doubt have some fine tales to tell when he returns from exploring the wilderness.

Seve Ballesteros (Iain): Seve needs only one more thing to make his life complete: an invitation to the end-of-chapter party!



Next turn: Turn 13