Low Estate/MUDchat

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[rpg]/Mon 14:05 Jota says, "Hmm."

[rpg]|Mon 14:05 Jota says, "Let's see just how flexible flexible time can get."

[rpg]|Mon 14:05 marc says, "yla#jobs"

[rpg]|Mon 14:06 Jota says, "Heh."

[rpg]|Mon 14:07 Jota says, "I guess Boudin is probably the only one with appropriate social skills who might want to join Willem."

[rpg]|Mon 14:08 maga asks, "who needs schmoozing?"

[rpg]|Mon 14:08 maga says, "or smooching"

[rpg]|Mon 14:08 Jota says (to maga), "Elmar, the lumber merchant who legally owns Sister Marianne's."

[rpg]|Mon 14:08 maga says, "I offer the full schmooze & smooch package at competitive rates"

[rpg]|Mon 14:09 Jota asks (of maga), "Do you talk small pebbles magically disguised to resemble currency?"

[rpg]|Mon 14:09 Jota says, "Willem is planning to visit him tomorrow, probably around late morning or midday."

[rpg]|Mon 14:10 maga says, "sure, I'll come along"

[rpg]|Mon 14:10 Jota says, "Excellent, thanks."

[rpg]|Mon 14:10 Jota says, "Your Fair Community(Other) will likely go a bit further than Willem's Untrained."

[rpg]|Mon 14:11 maga says, "I can probably use Fake It or Browbeat as required"

[rpg]|Mon 14:13 maga says, "I'm not sure if I need to deal with this suspicious gang member, or if it's a done deal because of a mixed success"

[rpg]|Mon 14:14 lpsmith says, "It looks to me that if you beat a hasty retreat, you're good to go, and that if you want more information, Thumbs will give you that information but Captain will then show up."

[rpg]|Mon 14:15 Jota says, "And in either case, there's a chance that word could get back to Someone Who Matters that you were asking around."

[rpg]|Mon 14:19 maga says, "hmm, seems a little early in the process to start escalating matters"

[rpg]|Mon 14:22 inky says (to maga), "I was figuring your partial was you get a choice: limited information and no trouble, or stay for more information and get trouble"

[rpg]|Mon 14:23 inky says, "oops, which is I guess exactly what lpsmith said"

[rpg]|Mon 14:23 maga says, "I don't think it's Boudin's style to throw down over this sort of thing"

[rpg]|Mon 14:27 inky says (to lpsmith), "also, you don't have to roll for stealth again, so once josh_g decides what he's going to do, you can sneak along beside the boat (or whatever)"

[rpg]|Mon 14:28 lpsmith says (to inky), "Cool; thanks."

[rpg]|Mon 14:28 lpsmith says, "(also, yay correctly reading the Boudin situation ;-)"

[rpg]|Mon 14:37 lpsmith says (to maga), "I was actually assuming that you should leave before the other guy came back, unless you think you can get away with Captain barging in on you."

[rpg]|Mon 14:39 Jota says (to lps), "That's what I assumed maga meant as well."

[rpg]|Mon 14:40 Jota says, "(That is, that he is choosing not to escalate the situation by getting into a fight with the Captain.)"

[rpg]|Mon 14:41 maga says (to lpsmith), "yeah, I thought about that, but this seemed like a more Boudin-ish way of de-escalating"

[rpg]|Mon 14:42 Jota says, "(Oh, I didn't realize lps was responding to an actual edit.)"

[rpg]|Mon 14:43 lpsmith asks (of maga), "Do you know what you're going to say when the dude comes back?"

[rpg]|Mon 14:44 maga says, "hmm, I think I am looking at this in a more storygameish way than a trad-RPG way"

[rpg]|Mon 14:44 lpsmith exclaims, "Interesting!"

[rpg]|Mon 14:45 lpsmith asks, "Like, if you narratively de-escalate, the guy won't come back?"

[rpg]|Mon 14:45 maga says, "where the GM says 'you can get a limited success, or a full success with consequences', and I say 'okay, limited success: here's how that plays out'"

[rpg]|Mon 14:45 maga says, "my read was that the guy comes back, but I smooth the conversation over at the cost of not learning anything more that's useful"

[rpg]|Mon 14:46 Jota says (to maga), "And also get to finish enjoying your beverage in progress."

[rpg]|Mon 14:46 maga says, "that is a benefit"

[rpg]|Mon 14:46 lpsmith says, "Yeah, that makes sense. Whereas I was thinking more simulation-y where I'm imagining what would happen if an angry captain walked into the room."

[rpg]|Mon 14:47 maga says, "also that I don't *look* guilty, since these are people I may want to deal with again in future"

[rpg]|Mon 14:48 josh_g says, "seems like the Captain is more likely to be mad at Thumbs than at you, anyway"

[rpg]|Mon 14:50 maga says (to lpsmith), "yeah, I suppose what I'm doing is bundling up a lot of things into one roll, while you're thinking in terms of making one roll for each distinct action"

[rpg]|Mon 14:50 maga says, "scene-to-scene vs. action-to-action"

[rpg]|Mon 14:53 josh_g says, "hrm. I can't actually think of much of anything to do while I'm stuck in a crate"

[rpg]|Mon 14:54 maga says, "consider yourself king of infinite space"

[rpg]|Mon 14:54 josh_g says, "this is maybe obvious but it does make for kind of a boring turn. I guess I should say that I'm trying to Not Freak Out While Trapped, and maybe Listen For Important Bits"

[rpg]|Mon 14:54 josh_g says, "also apparently I'm now channelling A. A. Milne"

[rpg]|Mon 14:55 Jota asks (of josh), "Can your familiar do anything useful/interesting?"

[rpg]|Mon 14:55 josh_g says (to Jota), "maybe? but I'm not sure what at the moment"

[rpg]|Mon 14:55 Jota says, "(Also, did you know that you can still have one more secondary aspect?)"

[rpg]|Mon 14:55 inky says, "if you guys want to hang out until the crate is unloaded, that is totally fine, or if you want to make a ruckus, that is fine too"

[rpg]|Mon 14:56 josh_g says, "if Antheunis gets a chance to crack me out of that thing before it arrives somewhere that'd be awesome"

[rpg]|Mon 14:56 Jota says, "You could also wait until it doesn't sound like anyone's nearby and then try to escape from the crate."

[rpg]|Mon 14:56 josh_g says, "I guess maybe I could try to facilitate that"

[rpg]|Mon 14:56 josh_g says (to Jota), "yeah"

[rpg]|Mon 14:56 lpsmith says, "I would like to get a sense of where it is going first. If it is going to a steamer ship heading to parts unknown, I should probably try to rescue Aernoud before it gets there; if it is going to a quiet warehouse, I will wait."

[rpg]|Mon 14:56 Jota says, "Fingersmithery and a pocket full of tools might do the trick."

[rpg]|Mon 14:57 Jota says, "If you wanted to use a Fate Point, you might even tag Aernoud Liberation Front."

[rpg]|Mon 14:57 inky says, "ha ha"

[rpg]|Mon 14:57 josh_g says, "seems like more of a Brawn thing than Fingersmithery, from the inside"

[rpg]|Mon 14:58 lpsmith asks, "Perhaps you could have your bird-ish thing chat with me or something?"

[rpg]|Mon 14:58 baf says, "Fingersmithery sounds like it should mean bashing your fingers with a hammer."

[rpg]|Mon 14:58 inky asks, "What's that, trigger? Aernoud's trapped in the crate?"

[rpg]|Mon 14:58 josh_g says (to baf), "ha ha ow"

[rpg]|Mon 14:58 lpsmith says, "And/or distract the sailor when she gets going."

[rpg]|Mon 14:59 baf says, "It's not smithing if you don't smite something."

[rpg]|Mon 14:59 lpsmith exclaims, "I'll say!"

[rpg]|Mon 14:59 lpsmith says, "Any lp's better watch out."

[rpg]|Mon 15:00 inky says, "hee hee"

[rpg]|Mon 15:00 josh_g says, "ha ha"

[rpg]|Mon 15:06 josh_g says, "hmm. so my plan is kind of, get my pet to contact Antheunis, but if that goes awry then roll Brawn to try and open the crate"

[rpg]|Mon 15:07 josh_g asks, "how much of that should I put down for turn 2?"

[rpg]|Mon 15:08 josh_g says, "also, if I'm going to take the Blink Bird technique for my familiar, I guess we need to figure out how that works, if I roll Nature or something, etc"

[rpg]|Mon 15:08 inky says, "well, so, you can spend a fate point to add a technique about your pet's ability to communicate"

[rpg]|Mon 15:08 inky says, "in that case I don't think there'd really be any rolling required"

[rpg]|Mon 15:08 josh_g says, "but I dunno if I need it to escape the crate or if I can assume it was flying out of sight nearby"

[rpg]|Mon 15:08 josh_g says, "probably if I've been saying it's on me, then it's on me"

[rpg]|Mon 15:09 inky says, "well, it's dark out, so if you want to say it flies away (or you tell it to fly away) before shutting the crate, that seems fine"

[rpg]|Mon 15:09 inky says, "but for that matter, if you just want to know that Antheunis is nearby, you can just say you see him through a crack in the crate, that seems pretty reasonable"

[rpg]|Mon 15:09 josh_g says, "okay"

[rpg]|Mon 15:10 josh_g says, "I was thinking that my pet could just park itself on the crate I'm in once the bad guys aren't there"

[rpg]|Mon 15:10 josh_g says, "which would probably be enough of a clue for Antheunis"

[rpg]|Mon 15:10 inky asks, "ok, so you want to wait and see where the crates end up?"

[rpg]|Mon 15:10 josh_g says, "more so he could help me get out"

[rpg]|Mon 15:11 josh_g says, "but, y'know, know which one it is"

[rpg]|Mon 15:11 josh_g says, "oh right but he doesn't know I was in a crate at all"

[rpg]|Mon 15:11 josh_g facepalms.

[rpg]|Mon 15:11 inky says, "he can if you guys want"

[rpg]|Mon 15:12 lpsmith says, "I have my suspicions, at least."

[rpg]|Mon 15:12 inky says, "I'm pretty flexible about communication for two people within a scene if there's any reasonable way you could have arranged things early or figured stuff out later"

[rpg]|Mon 15:12 josh_g says, "somehow on reading I was assuming he'd know, is all. just laughing at my own cluelessness"

[rpg]|Mon 15:12 inky says, "since it seems like otherwise it just puts a bunch of mostly unfun roadblocks in"

[rpg]|Mon 15:13 lpsmith says, "Also, since it was a partial success, not an abject failure ;-)"

[rpg]|Mon 15:13 maga says, "yeah, in this situation it seems as though if it's fun for him to not know, then he doesn't know, but otherwise who cares"

[rpg]|Mon 15:13 josh_g says, "heh okay"

[rpg]|Mon 15:14 josh_g says, "I think Aernoud would much rather find out where the crates go *after* getting the heck out of it"

[rpg]|Mon 15:15 Jota says, "'Surprise! They go to the sausage factory! Roll Reflexes to avoid falling into the grinder.'"

[rpg]|Mon 15:15 lpsmith says, "Heh."

[rpg]|Mon 15:16 josh_g says, "ride them barrels right out of the wood elves' fort"

[rpg]|Mon 15:17 lpsmith asks, "OK, I have a narration idea, then. Inky, are the loaders going with the ship, or are they staying behind?"

[rpg]|Mon 15:19 inky says, "I think probably one guy jumps on the boat (making two on the boat), and the other two stay behind"

[rpg]|Mon 15:19 lpsmith says, "Sounds good."

[rpg]|Mon 15:21 josh_g says, "I just added something, but will probably use my Barn Chores aspect to increase that unless Antheunis does something awesome"

[rpg]|Mon 15:23 lpsmith asks, "Ah, hmm. I guess I can't think of anything in particular. If you escape here, I'll hang out with the boat. I assume you're waiting until the skiff departed from the dock?"

[rpg]|Mon 15:24 lpsmith says, "If you make a huge distraction, I'll use that to some advantage if I can ;-)"

[rpg]|Mon 15:25 Jota says, "Arny breaks out of the crate and shouts 'Kidnappers!'"

[rpg]|Mon 15:25 lpsmith says, "Twist: all the other crates also contain orphans."

[rpg]|Mon 15:26 inky says, "ha ha"

[rpg]|Mon 15:26 inky says, "that would be pretty brilliant"

[rpg]|Mon 15:33 josh_g says, "I was assuming that with the boat leaving pretty much right after I was loaded, I wouldn't get a chance to free myself until we were on our way"

[rpg]|Mon 15:33 josh_g says, "so, yeah, escaping midway but then hiding on the boat"

[rpg]|Mon 15:34 josh_g says, "I guess someone can tell me if that's crazy; I don't have a good sense of how big this skiff is"

[rpg]|Mon 15:34 lpsmith says, "Oh, I asked in the 'discussion' section."

[rpg]|Mon 15:35 josh_g says, "hey I should actually look at that"

[rpg]|Mon 15:35 Gunther says, "pbf discussed on the mud: most unfollowable thing ever."

[rpg]|Mon 15:36 lpsmith says, "Heh. Yeah, we can probably switch to a channel."

[rpg]|Mon 15:36 Jota asks (of Gunther), "f?"

[rpg]|Mon 15:36 Alex says (to Jota), "Awwwk! Word on the street is that F is for funny."

[rpg]|Mon 15:37 Jota exclaims (at lps), "This *is* a channel!"

[rpg]|Mon 15:37 Gunther asks, "forum?"

[rpg]|Mon 15:37 josh_g says, "technically it's a ***wiki***"

[rpg]|Mon 15:37 Gunther says, "Same thing"

[rpg]|Mon 15:37 josh_g says, "****pretentious asterixes****"

[rpg]|Mon 15:37 inky says, "I could rename/repurpose #Agents, or make a new channel if people want"

[rpg]|Mon 15:38 josh_g says, "ok, I was imagining way more space on this skiff than there actually is"

[rpg]|Mon 15:40 inky says, "I think something like this maybe: http://www.texasgulfcoastfishing.com/flats_boat_poling.html "

[rpg]|Mon 15:40 inky says, "(without the motor, obviously)"

[rpg]|Mon 15:40 josh_g says, "ok, I need to backtrack and throw away a perfectly good Brawn roll then"

[LowEstate]|Mon 15:41 * josh_g has joined the channel.

[LowEstate]|Mon 15:42 * inky has renamed the channel from #games/roleplaying/Agents to #games/roleplaying/LowEstate.

[LowEstate]|Mon 15:42 * inky has added the synonym #games/roleplaying/Agents to the channel.

[LowEstate]|Mon 15:43 josh_g says, "hmm, actually I guess I can keep the roll and my general plan, but just add that waiting until no one's around will likely mean waiting until the skiff is unloaded"

[LowEstate]|Mon 15:43 * NewsBoy hollers, "Extra! Extra! inky has posted message 14, about '#Agents -> #LowEstate', to the bulletin board! At least it's not yet another Bush story!"

[LowEstate]|Mon 15:44 * vimes has added the synonym #games/roleplaying/playbyinky to the channel.

[LowEstate]|Mon 15:44 inky says, "hee hee"

[LowEstate]|Mon 15:51 josh_g says, "ok, added something to improve to a full success"

[LowEstate]|Mon 15:52 josh_g says, "if using Fate Points should be formatted a certain way or anything, feel free to edit or let me know or whatever"

[LowEstate]|Mon 15:55 josh_g says, "I guess I ought to think of a third secondary aspect. I hadn't noticed that I was still one short"

[LowEstate]|Mon 15:56 inky says, "I wonder what similar countries are"

[LowEstate]|Mon 15:56 inky says, "maybe Russia"

[LowEstate]|Mon 15:56 inky says, "er"

[LowEstate]/Mon 17:03 lpsmith asks (of josh), "Just to be clear: you're planning on waiting until the skiff gets where it's going and the crates are unloaded to try to bust out, right?"

[LowEstate]|Mon 17:04 lpsmith says, "#tangent I typed '#lowest' to talk here."

[LowEstate]|Mon 17:04 vimes says, "ah, the bottom of the food chain - or lowest ate, as we like to call it here..."

[LowEstate]|Mon 17:06 lpsmith says, "Heh."

[LowEstate]/Mon 17:23 josh_g says (to lpsmith), "since there'll be someone near the crate the whole time it's on the skiff ... yeah"

[LowEstate]|Mon 17:23 josh_g says, "I mean unless they dock the skiff and leave it without unloading, I guess"

[LowEstate]/Mon 17:43 lpsmith says, "Sounds good! Off to wherever-we"

[LowEstate]|Mon 17:43 lpsmith says, "er."

[LowEstate]|Mon 17:44 lpsmith says, "Off to wherever-we're-going, then, with the caveat that if it's a steamer ship, I'm getting you out of there early."

[LowEstate]/Mon 21:15 Jota says, "I wonder if it would have been useful to make the BB post on #rpg as well."

[LowEstate]|Mon 21:16 Jota says, "(I dunno if there's anyone there who might be interested in this who isn't on this channel -- like Jeff, maybe.)"

[LowEstate]|Mon 21:17 Jota says, "Possibly I should have waited sixty seconds to say that."

[LowEstate]|Mon 21:17 inky says, "can't hurt"

[LowEstate]|Mon 21:17 Jota says, "OK, then I'll say it now."

[LowEstate]|Mon 21:17 Jota says, "I wnder if it would have been useful..."

[rpg]|Mon 21:18 * NewsBoy hollers, "Extra! Extra! inky has posted message 362, about '#LowEstate', to the bulletin board! I have a clever response to that, but this holler is too small to contain it."

[LowEstate]|Mon 21:22 inky says, "hee hee"

[LowEstate]/Mon 21:51 * boucher has joined the channel.

[rpg]/Tue 19:25 maga says, "so it looks as though I'm facilitating storygames at Queer Geek Seattle's ladies' night"

[rpg]|Tue 19:25 maga says, "I have pointed out that I am not, in fact, a lesbian, but they don't appear to mind"

[rpg]|Tue 19:25 Binder asks, "Don't mind or don't believe you?"

[rpg]|Tue 19:26 Roger says, "Agents of Empire vs the Gay Recruitment Army"

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:39 lpsmith says, "Argh, I totally missed that turn 3 was up."

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:41 Rob says, "last night around 2 am I thought 'aw man, turn 2 is over and I haven't even seen it yet and I'm the last to try to add something to it' except I was then the first to see turn 3 was up for the same reason"

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:43 lpsmith says, "Heh."

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:43 Rob says, "also I realized that I was missing all of the daily chitchat by not logging into the MUD during the day so I checked in today and nobody's said anything"

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:44 Rob says, "tomorrow I'll snooze through the day which is when all the turn 3 convo will happen"

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:44 Jota says, "Nah, we'll all be on the turn 4 conversation by then."

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:45 Rob says, "heh I nearly amended that"

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:46 inky says, "I expect stuff will slow down a bit shortly and it'll be easier to get in"

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:46 Rob says, "it's still a better deal doing it by wiki given my random schedule"

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:47 inky says, "I'm not exactly sure what to do with your turn 2 action -- I guess I'll just put in a reply on turn 2 and call it good"

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:47 Rob says, "yeah that works"

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:47 Roger says, "Wow you really are lost in time"

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:47 Rob asks, "see?"

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:47 Rob says, "Man out of Sync"

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:49 Rob says, "technically with a wiki I could edit up a Turn 15 move right now too, and then wait to see how it pans out"

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:50 inky says, "vimes and Jota and lpsmith had a funny bit involving time travel in the last wiki game"

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:50 vimes says, "ha ha, i forgot about that"

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:50 vimes says, "that was great fun"

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:50 Jota says, "Yeah, that was pretty fun."

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:51 Jota says, "Wikis are good for time travel."

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:52 Jota says, "Now I wish I had any idea where it was so I could read it again."

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:52 Rob asks, "what was the gist of it?"

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:53 inky | http://inky.org/wiki/index.php?title=Agents_Of_Empire/Turns/3/House_Aramin&action=history

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:53 Jota says, "I believe we were researching Science. And ended up discovering time travel. And by 'discovering', I mean a future version of vimes' character showed up to teach us how to time travel so we could research faster."

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:53 inky says, "but I'm not sure exactly the best way to go through it"

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:53 lpsmith says, "We edited turn 3 with updates from turn 452, and then with updates from turn 721, etc."

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:53 Rob says, "ha ha"

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:54 inky says, "I guess start at the bottom version and go up"

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:55 Jota says, "If you go to http://inky.org/wiki/index.php?title=Agents_Of_Empire/Turns/3/House_Aramin&oldid=1011 there's a 'Newer revision' link."

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:57 Rob says, "the thing about Turn 2 is that Boudin learns that the visitor was Ruud, and then Willem and I almost ran into Ruud while researching, but we don't know that's the guy that Boudin found out was the visitor, because we haven't met up again yet"

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:57 Rob says, "we don't even know his name is Ruud"

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:57 Rob says, "or even how it's pronounced"

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:57 Jota says (to Rob), "But Boudin learned that the evening that we'd all had dinner with Sister Marianne, while we learned what we learned the next morning."

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:57 maga says (to Rob), "I think the deal is that we don't worry too much about epistemology unless it becomes fun to do so"

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:57 Rob says, "oh ? ok"

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:58 Jota says, "So if Boudin got over his hangover by lunchtime, then he'll have met up with his before we went to see Elmar and is there with us in Turn 3."

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:58 Rob says, "in that case I'll just roll with it"

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:58 maga says, "if he-knows-I-know makes for a fun comedy-of-errors, great, if not then we can assume we have an orphan-based pony express"

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:58 Rob says, "that horsey faced kid who runs fast"

[LowEstate]|Tue 20:00 Rob says, "also it's taking me a long time to remember which player is playing which character. one of those things that shouldn't technically matter as I'm reacting to characters, but I like to appreciate that I'm reacting to the various players as well when RPGing"

[LowEstate]|Tue 20:01 Rob says, "also there's two funny names that start with A"

[LowEstate]|Tue 20:01 Rob says, "I've figured out that josh_g is the one inside the crate though I think"

[LowEstate]|Tue 20:02 Jota says, "It is time we started calling Antheunis Theu and Aernoud Arny."

[LowEstate]|Tue 20:02 Rob says, "heh"

[LowEstate]|Tue 20:05 lpsmith exclaims (at Rob), "He is!"

[LowEstate]|Tue 20:05 lpsmith says, "OK, updated turn 3 with stuff, including MUD names at the top."

[LowEstate]|Tue 20:06 lpsmith says, "(also also, I took an 'A' name first so I should get the A-based nickname, darn it.)"

[LowEstate]|Tue 20:06 inky says, "yeah, the thing about using names from a different linguistic system than I am used to is I can't really remember any of them"

[LowEstate]|Tue 20:06 Jota exclaims, "But Theu is a much better nickname than Noddy!"

[LowEstate]|Tue 20:07 Rob says, "I've just been keeping a tab open to the home page for the game which had the names"

[LowEstate]|Tue 20:10 Jota says (to lps), "I *think* that when you unlock advanced successes, you unlock them for all rolls with that skill, not just ones that you tapped an Aspect for."

[LowEstate]|Tue 20:13 inky says, "yeah, that's correct"

[LowEstate]/Tue 21:38 maga says, "dang, I cannot roll for peas"

[LowEstate]/Wed 21:37 inky says, "ok, let's get this together"

[LowEstate]|Wed 21:37 Jota says, "We've done *our* part, inky."

[LowEstate]|Wed 21:38 inky says, "hee hee"

[LowEstate]/Wed 22:09 * Miseri has joined the channel.

[LowEstate]|Wed 22:23 inky says, "ok, there we go"

[LowEstate]|Wed 22:33 Ghogg says, "oh man this"

[LowEstate]|Wed 22:33 Ghogg says, "kinda got busy"

[LowEstate]/Wed 23:19 Jota says, "Oh, man, it looks like A&A have found where they keep the dessicant pouches."

[LowEstate]/Wed 23:37 Jota says, "Right. Well. This is not much to base a turn's actions off of, so I feel it is my responsibility to make something up myself..."

[LowEstate]|Wed 23:41 Jota says, "(Hopefully inky didn't have his own reveal planned for the other side of that door. But if he did, he should have revealed it when he had the chance.)"

[LowEstate]|Wed 23:42 boucher says, "Should have called doorhindsies"

[LowEstate]/Thu 12:15 Jota says, "This will require some thought."

[LowEstate]|Thu 12:15 Jota says, "(Suggestions from other players are welcome.)"

[LowEstate]/Thu 12:52 Rob says (to Jota), "I was mainly all, 'glad that's not my choice'"

[LowEstate]|Thu 12:52 Jota says, "Heh."

[LowEstate]|Thu 12:54 Rob says, "I have been realizing I don't have the familiarity with the apparatus of spending fate points and this other thing of unlocking some other something that adds more points also such and such what what"

[LowEstate]|Thu 12:54 Rob says, "so that I'm likely to sort of avoid doing it, like the way you avoid having to say the name out loud of someone who's name you're not sure of yet"

[LowEstate]|Thu 13:02 Jota asks (of You), "Did you read the bits in inky's rules page about them?"

[LowEstate]|Thu 13:02 Rob says, "I think in previous games I've munged around until the GM says 'well why don't you spend a fate point here' which is like hanging around until I overhear someone say 'Bob' but I still don't learn to say it myself"

[LowEstate]|Thu 13:02 Rob says, "yeah it just feels non-fluent yet"

[LowEstate]|Thu 13:03 Rob says, "I see everyone else flipping these things out with confidence and it made me start thinking hmmm I'm not that confident about it"

[LowEstate]|Thu 13:03 Rob says, "so far it hasn't come up so much"

[LowEstate]|Thu 13:04 Rob says, "I'll re-read those pages and ponder it some more later"

[LowEstate]|Thu 13:04 Jota says, "Also, I've added http://inky.org/wiki/index.php?title=Talk:Low_Estate/Turns/Turn_4 if anyone wants to join in the pondering of possible questions to ask."

[LowEstate]/Thu 16:27 Rob says, "ok I now have a tab open to inky's original rules page about fate points and rolls and aspects and things"

[LowEstate]|Thu 16:27 Rob says, "techniques and the like"

[LowEstate]|Thu 16:28 Rob says, "I'm still not all there with it but I have a reference tab open"

[LowEstate]|Thu 16:28 Rob says, "hm, Jota has opened a talk page"

[LowEstate]|Thu 16:28 inky says, "when he talks, that is when you strike"

[LowEstate]|Thu 16:28 Rob says, "ka-zapp"

[LowEstate]|Thu 16:29 Rob says, "also I have this line I keep wanting to say but there hasn't been a choice opportunity, so I'll just throw it now"

[LowEstate]|Thu 16:30 Rob says, "'I feel like the point of Lazer Dennis in this game is to make my life more fun, and inky's more difficult'"

[LowEstate]|Thu 16:30 inky says, "ha ha"

[LowEstate]|Thu 16:30 Rob says, "ok so"

[LowEstate]|Thu 16:32 Rob says, "I put 'techniques to be unlocked' on my character page because I saw other people doing that, and now I've seen people unlock unlockables, and now I'm reading the instructions about them, but I still kind of feel like I'm not sure when exactly a moment to deploy/unlock one would be. since it seems to be ... up to my role-playing imagination"

[LowEstate]|Thu 16:33 Rob says, "like I just faff around like I'm writing a composite story but I'm not thinking in terms of these mechanics necessarily while I do that, or something"

[LowEstate]|Thu 16:33 inky says, "hmm"

[LowEstate]|Thu 16:33 Rob says, "I guess if I miss an opportunity to do something like this, perhaps I could use a prod from the GM, and then I'll go 'oh I get it' and be better at it after that"

[LowEstate]|Thu 16:33 Rob says, "or something"

[LowEstate]|Thu 16:33 inky says, "technically speaking I should have charged you a fate point to be able to whip out your periscope gizmo in the library"

[LowEstate]|Thu 16:33 Rob says (to inky), "aha, ok"

[LowEstate]|Thu 16:34 inky says, "since that is the sort of thing that your character concept lets you do that normally people wouldn't be allowed ot do"

[LowEstate]|Thu 16:34 Rob asks, "can you explain the logic behind why that cost a fate point?"

[LowEstate]|Thu 16:34 Rob says, "oh ok"

[LowEstate]|Thu 16:34 Rob says, "well why don't you retroactively have that happen"

[LowEstate]|Thu 16:34 inky says, "in this case I didn't since it was just sort of color and didn't end up making much of a difference"

[LowEstate]|Thu 16:35 Rob says, "I'm kind of curious why I didn't have to do any jiggery on my part to find the secret mechanism tile to open the fountain passage"

[LowEstate]|Thu 16:35 inky says, "but sure, if you want to note on your sheet that you have unlocked "always has a gadget handy" or something"

[LowEstate]|Thu 16:35 Rob asks, "should that have involved some fingersmithery or something?"

[LowEstate]|Thu 16:36 Rob says, "that's not precisely one of the techniques I listed as being unlockable, but I made the list not quite understanding what I was doing, so I am more or less ok with dicking that up"

[LowEstate]|Thu 16:37 inky says, "well, the list is just suggestions, you're not bound to any of them"

[LowEstate]|Thu 16:40 Rob says, "okay then"

[LowEstate]|Thu 16:42 Rob says, "'always has a gadget handy' is potentially more amusing than.... hm. combining the first couple results in 'Instant improvised Gadget/Weapon invention'"

[LowEstate]|Thu 16:43 Rob says, "oh well, I'll evolve as I go"

[LowEstate]|Thu 16:44 Rob says, "I was thinking early this morning that when you start an RPG you have these suggestions to yourself about your character that you've written down, but it's not until later on that you really figure out who it is that you're playing and hone in on it"

[LowEstate]|Thu 16:45 inky says, "yeah"

[LowEstate]/Thu 17:23 josh_g says, "oh ho, found something"

[LowEstate]|Thu 17:23 josh_g says, "I'll try to add something later"

[LowEstate]|Thu 17:24 josh_g says, "also FYI I won't be online at all over the weekend"

[LowEstate]|Thu 17:24 josh_g says, "so I'll try to add my bit before then but then I'm gone until late Sunday at least"

[LowEstate]/Fri 15:06 Jota says, "I guess I may have to make my own decisions on my own."

[LowEstate]|Fri 15:07 maga says, "dammit, I guess I may have to make some decisions"

[LowEstate]|Fri 15:15 josh_g says, "belated, I guess I could take a look at this at lunch and help w/ decisions"

[LowEstate]|Fri 15:16 josh_g says, "to be honest when Aernoud discovered something, I would've regrouped back with the rest of you but Lazer had already headed in"

[LowEstate]|Fri 15:18 josh_g looks at discussion page. "yay crate"

[LowEstate]|Fri 15:20 josh_g says, "oh ho, I didn't properly read through the advanced success stuff"

[LowEstate]|Fri 15:20 inky says, "to be clear, I am totally happy to have people hop from scene to scene here"

[LowEstate]|Fri 15:20 inky says, "if folks want to be hanging out with Boudin at his meeting and then exploring the back room and/or the lab or whatever"

[LowEstate]|Fri 15:20 josh_g says, "hrm"

[LowEstate]|Fri 15:20 inky says, "(I mean, I am expecting people will be polite about not stomping on each other's scenes, but)"

[LowEstate]|Fri 15:20 Jota says, "I think that Willem will likely want to catch up with A&A&L after he finishes his examination of the stuff in that room."

[LowEstate]|Fri 15:21 josh_g says, "you know what, maybe I should double back and find Willem then"

[LowEstate]|Fri 15:21 Jota says, "(I.e., go look for them, find a big hole where the fountain used to be, and wander in after them.)"

[LowEstate]|Fri 15:22 josh_g says, "given that Lazer was milling about making a torch, you could probably catch up with us"

[LowEstate]/Fri 15:53 josh_g says (to Jota), "I added my vote for questions to answer, btw"

[LowEstate]|Fri 16:02 Jota exclaims, "Thanks!"

[LowEstate]|Fri 16:03 josh_g says, "also, just revised Aernoud's next move so that he comes to find you, Antheunis and whoever else is around before heading down those stairs"

[LowEstate]|Fri 16:04 josh_g says, "I don't know if Lazer will want to do the same or if he'll go down there solo; maybe we can get back when he's done gathering up his torch materials"

[rpg]/Fri 19:48 inky says, "hmm, I guess I should wait for lps"

[rpg]|Fri 19:50 Jota asks, "Before doing Turn 5?"

[rpg]|Fri 19:50 Jota says, "I guess that means I should hurry up and ask my questions."

[rpg]|Fri 19:59 inky says, "apocalypse world has a bunch of interesting mechanical things I want to try out"

[rpg]|Fri 20:00 Jota asks, "Mechanical horseless carriages, mechanical chess-playing Turks, mechanical engineers...?"

[LowEstate]|Fri 20:01 lpsmith exclaims, "I return!"

[LowEstate]|Fri 20:01 lpsmith says, "Sorry for forgetting to say here that I would be out for a couple days."

[LowEstate]|Fri 20:02 lpsmith says, "(went on the 6th grade camping trip with Ellric)"

[LowEstate]|Fri 20:02 maga says, "awesome"

[LowEstate]|Fri 20:02 Jota says, "Ypi"

[LowEstate]|Fri 20:02 Jota says, "Er."

[LowEstate]|Fri 20:02 Jota asks, "You've got a sixth grader already?"

[rpg]|Fri 20:02 Roger asks, "The countdowns and such?"

[LowEstate]|Fri 20:03 lpsmith recaps

[LowEstate]|Fri 20:04 inky says, "8!"

[LowEstate]|Fri 20:04 (from Jota) [lounge]|2002AD lpsmith exclaims, "It's a boy!"

[LowEstate]|Fri 20:04 lpsmith says, "Actually, 2000."

[LowEstate]|Fri 20:05 Jota exclaims, "That's even more 8! !"

[LowEstate]|Fri 20:05 lpsmith says (to recap_inky), "Also, yay."

[LowEstate]|Fri 20:05 lpsmith says, "'quote search = 8!'"

[LowEstate]|Fri 20:06 Jota says, "Yeah, I remember reading that quote before."

[LowEstate]|Fri 20:06 lpsmith says, "Anyway, now I can't ask inky my questions."

[LowEstate]|Fri 20:06 Jota says, "You can ask recap_inky."

[LowEstate]|Fri 20:07 lpsmith says, "Mostly, I'm not sure if my roll was for something that didn't happen at all, or if got transformed into something new, or what."

[LowEstate]|Fri 20:07 lpsmith says, "Or if I can use it for something coming up."

[LowEstate]|Fri 20:07 lpsmith says, "Also, on the one hand, clearly we should do more research before opening this door."

[LowEstate]|Fri 20:08 lpsmith says, "On the other hand, that sounds pretty boring, whereas opening the door anyway seems interesting."

[LowEstate]|Fri 20:09 Jota rereads. "Hmm. I either forgot or originally missed that you an the others found different secret places."

[LowEstate]|Fri 20:09 Jota says, "It's possible that your success found the door, and your advanced success gave you a suggestion of what's behind it."

[LowEstate]|Fri 20:09 lpsmith says, "I think my secret place is at the end of the tunnel from the first secret place."

[LowEstate]|Fri 20:11 Jota says, "Mmm."

[LowEstate]|Fri 20:11 Jota says, "I can see why you'd want to ask recap_inky about that."

[LowEstate]|Fri 20:11 lpsmith says, "Hmm, it also looks like you could answer some questions about this door thing, too."

[LowEstate]|Fri 20:13 Jota says, "I guess in theory, you could make your Turn 4 action breathlessly running up the stairs to announce what you've found to Willem, just in time for him to put two and two together and see the connection between that door and what he's reading.."

[LowEstate]|Fri 20:14 Jota says, "(And then I have to figure out which one of the other four questions to bump for it.)"

[LowEstate]|Fri 20:15 lpsmith asks, "Yeah, why don't we all get together and then go through the door? And I can use my Nature roll to, I dunno, conjure up a water shield or something?"

[LowEstate]|Fri 20:15 lpsmith says, "OK, afk again ;-)"

[LowEstate]|Fri 20:19 Jota says, "Very useful when you open the door and discover Lady Bellaire's secret statue of herself made out of pure metallic sodium."

[LowEstate]/Sat 08:23 Jota says, "Hmm, in retrospect, I wonder if 'What would be the consequences if whatever it fell into the wrong hands?' falls afoul of the 'can't involve the future' clause."

[LowEstate]|Sat 08:29 Jota updates it to 'likely consequences', in case that helps.

[LowEstate]|Sat 08:29 Jota says, "Or maybe 'potential'."

[LowEstate]/Sat 10:15 Jota asks (of maga), "By the way, did you notice that inky commented on your Turn 4 stuff on the wiki?"

[LowEstate]|Sat 10:18 maga says, "yep"

[LowEstate]|Sat 10:18 maga says, "which is fair enough"

[rpg]/Sat 14:08 inky | http://www.thesmartset.com/article/article04171301.aspx

[rpg]/Sat 17:33 inky says, "#belated also http://www.borispalatnik.com/CaneGun_BCG.htm "

[LowEstate]/Sun 18:14 Rob says, "oh, so everybody else got kind of busy the past couple of days too"

[LowEstate]|Sun 18:17 Rob says, "that's good, I was worried about being lax and falling behind only a few turns in"

[LowEstate]/Sun 19:07 Jota says, "I wonder if we are waiting on inky or if inky is waiting on us."

[LowEstate]/Sun 22:19 lpsmith asks (of inky), "Hey, are we waiting for you, or are you waiting for us?"

[LowEstate]|Sun 22:20 inky says, "oh, right"

[LowEstate]|Sun 22:21 inky says, "I was hoping to get some followup from maga, but I'll do a turn tonight regardless"

[LowEstate]|Sun 22:23 Jota says, "I am not sure if he realizes that you were looking for followup."

[LowEstate]|Sun 22:23 Jota says, "Since I asked if he had seen your reply, and he said he had."

[LowEstate]|Sun 22:24 inky says, "yeah, I should have said something to him"

[LowEstate]|Sun 22:26 Jota says, "I guess you/he could retroactively say that he came back to the Home after talking to H-- and encountered Antheunis gathering everyone up."

[LowEstate]|Sun 22:32 lpsmith asks (of inky), "Is my new interpretation of my last roll reasonable?"

[LowEstate]|Sun 22:35 inky says, "yeah, I think that seems like a reasonable future rollover"

[LowEstate]/Mon 09:18 Jota says (to maga), "Relevant comments in recent recap."

[LowEstate]/Mon 12:21 Rob says, "aha, plot happens"

[LowEstate]/Mon 13:10 Rob asks, "are we all seeing this thing form out of the sand?"

[LowEstate]/Mon 13:33 lpsmith says, "This is cool, but I have no idea whether this thing is hostile or imposing or what; I don't know whether fleeing or attemping to communicate or ignoring it is appropriate."

[LowEstate]|Mon 13:34 Rob says, "I was figuring it was just a recorded message"

[LowEstate]|Mon 13:35 Rob says, "like superman talking to jor-el"

[LowEstate]/Mon 13:50 Jota says, "I think I'm going to assume that we can all see/hear it, since inky presumably would have indicated if otherwise."

[LowEstate]|Mon 13:51 Rob says, "yeah"

[LowEstate]|Mon 13:51 Rob says, "he's doing a lot to scrunch us all together having the same experience"

[LowEstate]|Mon 13:57 inky says, "I'm not doing anything to scrunch you together!"

[LowEstate]|Mon 13:57 inky says, "but in general you can assume you are present at any scene you want to be present at"

[LowEstate]|Mon 13:58 Rob says, "ha ha"

[LowEstate]|Mon 13:58 inky says, "I think all we have as canon here is Antheunis is out in front"

[LowEstate]|Mon 13:58 Rob says, "first a scootcher, now a scruncher"

[LowEstate]|Mon 13:58 Rob says, "it's a scrunchity slope"

[LowEstate]|Mon 13:59 Rob says, "does anyone have any kind of obscure language facility is my question"

[LowEstate]|Mon 13:59 Rob says, "bookish academics don't cover that"

[LowEstate]|Mon 13:59 Jota asks (of Rob), "They don't?"

[LowEstate]|Mon 13:59 Jota says, "(If that's the case, I may have to revise my action for the turn...)"

[LowEstate]|Mon 14:00 Rob says, "well maybe YOURS do"

[LowEstate]|Mon 14:00 Rob says, "I don't feel like mine would, anyway"

[LowEstate]|Mon 14:00 Jota says (to Rob), "Mmm. I have to admit, it does seem like your character seems like it would make sense if Science and Academics were swapped."

[LowEstate]|Mon 14:01 Jota says, "Since it seems like having a natural, intuitive sense of how sciency and engineeringy stuff works matches more with what I've seen of Lazer than extensive book-learning."

[LowEstate]|Mon 14:01 Jota says, "(But I am just going by what I've seen. Which is mainly a makeshift periscope.)"

[LowEstate]|Mon 14:02 Jota says, "Also, I appear to be incapable of rolling less than an advanced success."

[LowEstate]|Mon 14:02 Rob says, "hm that is possible"

[LowEstate]|Mon 14:03 Rob says, "oh yeah, 'ancient languages' is right there in the academics description"

[LowEstate]/Mon 19:10 Rob says, "oh yeah"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:10 Rob says, "I just realized I wasn't clear on the 'Stress [][][][]' notation in the upper box"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:10 Rob says, "actually two of the guys just have two stress point markers"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:11 Rob says, "now that I think about it 'unused (2) unused (4) unused (6)' is mysterious as well"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:14 inky says, "stress is like more generic hit points or whatever"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:14 inky says, "it's based off your resolve & brawn"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:14 lpsmith says, "That is how you track injury. Also, timing."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:15 Rob says, "ah hm ah hm ah"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:15 inky says, "and then the used things are also like hit points"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:15 lpsmith | http://inky.org/blog/?p=283

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:15 Rob says, "time to reread 'stress, wounds, and healing' section"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:15 inky says, "I'm not actually sure they're going to come up at all since nobody in the game besides Fang is really combat-capable"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:15 lpsmith says, "(the 'damage, wounds, and healing' section."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:15 inky says, "so possibly you guys will just stay out"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:16 lpsmith says, "Well, there's also social stress/combat."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:16 Rob says, "I will whip up a gadget that whisks me to safety behind the nearest crate"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:16 lpsmith asks, "Has Fang actually posted anything yet?"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:16 inky asks (of lpsmith), "did you want to do anything or do you want to wait to hear what Willem figures out or what?"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:16 inky says, "Fang is on vacation through mid-june"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:17 lpsmith says, "Oh! OK."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:17 lpsmith says (to inky), "So, right, I'm still not sure what an appropriate reaction to this sand-guy is."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:17 lpsmith asks, "Is he scary-looking? Do the words sound threatening or like he's trying to communicate or...?"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:18 inky says, "so I think what's going on is he is sort of materializing and saying something"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:18 inky says, "if you want to react before he finishes doing whatever he's doing, you can do -- hmm, actually, I take that back"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:19 inky says, "I think I should just tell Willem what he's saying, and then if somebody wants to react before the sand guy can do something particular, that would be a reflexes roll or something"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:19 lpsmith says, "Sure, that'd be fantastic."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:22 Jota asks, "Did the GM just reveal that it is a he?"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:24 inky says, "well, the robes trail off into thin air, so it's mostly academic"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:24 Jota says, "Heh."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:24 Jota says, "I had been secretly speculating that it might have been an image of Lady Bellaire."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:25 inky says, "oh, I see"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:25 Roger says, "fresh ghost of bellaire"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:25 inky says, "no, definitely not"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:25 inky says, "these are more like monk's robes or something, not a dress"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:25 Roger says, "In a west side orphange born and raised"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:25 Jota says, "Oh yeah, that's right."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:26 inky says, "(although I rather fancy Lady Bellaire had some kind of crazy divided-skirt outfit on her legs)"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:26 Jota says, "This is Bresella, so we can work out his occupation from his style of clothing."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:28 lpsmith says, "Actually, that'd be a perfect Boudin roll."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:28 Rob says, "now I'm wondering about 'porte' 'sorte' 'pyeryem' and 'laerdom'"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:29 Jota says (to Rob), "Those are 7th Sea things."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:29 lpsmith says, "They are 7th Sea magics."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:29 Jota says, "Leftover from back when inky was experimenting with using this system for 7th Sea games."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:29 Jota says, "Which I think ended up with us not getting eaten by Cthulhu, IIRC."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:30 inky says, "hee hee"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:30 Rob says, "I had been making the same speculation as Jota about the sand dude(ette)"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:31 inky says, "ok there"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:32 Rob says, "hm, cursed by the sun"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:32 Jota asks, "OK, which of us is 'drop'?"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:33 Jota says, "(I assume that Tony must be 'drip'...)"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:33 Rob says, "Laz must have some sort of coathanger useful for retrieving a wand that rolls under a bookshelf"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:34 Rob says, "although doing it during a localized sandstorm is tricky"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:34 lpsmith says, "I am going to guess that this is a djinn, summoned here to protect the place."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:34 Jota says, "Mmm, that makes sense."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:34 inky says, "the bookshelf is on the opposite side of the room, behind the sand-figure, to be clear -- the painting is roughly the same viewpoint as you guys have"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:34 Rob says, "clearly the dude likes underground lairs more than walking topside"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:35 lpsmith says, "No, the opposite, was my read."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:35 Jota asks (of lps), "djinn : dry sand :: naiad : wet water, you think?"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:35 lpsmith says, "'even if you bring me underground, I can still totally burn you up, dudes'"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:35 Rob says (to lpsmith), "oh"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:35 Rob turns his monitor upside down and reads it again

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:35 Rob says, "ok I'll buy that"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:35 lpsmith exclaims (at Jota), "That would make sense to me!"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:36 inky says (to Rob), "hee hee"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:36 Jota says, "I wonder if he would be willing to cooperate with us if we were nice to him."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:36 Jota says, "E.g., if we made him feel at home."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:36 Rob asks, "so why *have* we brought him here?"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:36 Rob says, "not that 'we' did, but what do we say that makes him not zap us"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:36 Rob says, "hmm"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:37 Jota asks (of Rob), "Perhaps he's Lady Bellaire's security system?"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:37 lpsmith says, "We could say somthing like, "Wait, how do we send you back home?""

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:38 Rob says, "if he asks us if we're a god, you say *yes*"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:38 Jota says, "It might be possible to use an illusion to make him more comfortable."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:38 lpsmith says, "And then say, "Oh, sure, we can totally do that; just go kill Magdahlen first.""

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:38 Jota says (to lps), "Ha ha."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:38 Rob says, "geez good thing Jota keeps rolling high"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:39 Jota says (to lps), "And then the mystical spirit which is powerful enough to kill our most powerful enemy returns to us and says, 'OK, I've done what you wanted. Now you do what you promised.'"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:40 Rob says, "oh mighty spirit, we don't understand your language that well, but here is what you asked for, a shoe with cheese on it"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:42 lpsmith says, "The funny thing about the wand rolling behind the bookshelf is that the fact that it did so at this juncture is a clear indication that it can be used effectively in this situation."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:42 lpsmith says, "While, had it not done so, we would have forgotten it entirely."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:42 Jota says (to lps), "I see you've been studying under master Elan."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:43 inky says, "hee hee"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:43 lpsmith says, "Yay"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:45 lpsmith asks, "At the same time, it'd be weird if I'm right, because why summon a guardian and leave the way to banish it right there in the open?"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:45 Rob re-reads the background material

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:46 Jota asks (of lps), "How many people leave their keyrings sitting right out in the open in their homes?"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:46 Rob says, "in case you forget your keys when you come in one night"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:46 Jota asks, "Or their passwords on a post-it by their computer?"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:46 inky says, "ha ha"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:46 inky says, "note from security department: do NOT leave your wands out when you leave. you must place them in a wizardlocked cabinet after 5pm"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:47 Jota says, "Yay."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:48 Rob says, "I wonder what spell she was trying to figure out how to extend near-indefinitely"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:49 Rob says, "probably this will eventually require poking around the university talking to odd people"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:49 Jota says (to Rob), "'Summon djigalo'"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:49 Rob says, "I'm just a djigalo, and everywhere I go"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:50 Jota says, "(Er, djigolo, I think I mean?)"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:50 inky says, "hee hee"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:50 Rob says, "I dunno, neither spelling is a familiar word"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:50 Jota says (to Rob), "It was a bad pun."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:51 inky says, "he meant what you thought"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:51 Jota says, "(A portmanteau of djinn + gigolo.)"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:51 Rob says, "oh ok"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:51 lpsmith says, "djinn + gigolo"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:51 Rob says, "I was allowing in the back of my head for that to be the case but there wasn't enough evidence yet"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:52 Jota asks (of inky), "Does the fact that I can understand the language imply that I can reply as well?"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:52 Jota says, "(Presumably not fluently, of course.)"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:52 inky says, "yeah, presumably"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:52 Roger says, "careful he might attack with djinnkata"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:52 Jota says, "Ah, good."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:52 inky says, "it sounds like you will have a bad accent"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:52 Jota says, "I am not sure how Willem's grasp of hand gestures would have been."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:53 Jota asks, "So how do we want to approach this? Diplomacy? Combat? Magical dispelling?"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:53 Alex says (to Jota), "Awwwk! Word on the street is that Diplomacy is the art of saying nice doggie until you can find a rock."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:53 Rob says, "I'm not real high on the combat idea"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:53 Jota says, "Running away is presumably also an option."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:54 inky says, "this door is made for slammin'"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:54 Jota says (to Rob), "It's plausible that it might be susceptible to water."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:55 Jota says, "Say, if we could perhaps make it rain in here..."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:55 Rob says, "hmmm."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:56 lpsmith says, "Yeah, if we are trying to banish it, or send it home, or whatever, I am happy to step into the middle of it and try to create water or whatever."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:56 lpsmith says, "I already have a bonus against it."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:56 Jota says, "Yeah, that's true."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:56 Rob says, "creating water you say"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:56 Jota says, "And if we go in the opposite direction, I am happy to create any illusions that we think might placate it."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:56 Rob says, "we are underneath a fountain, although it's dry"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:56 Rob says, "must have old piping around at least"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:56 lpsmith says, "Oh, good point."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:56 Jota says, "So we should probably go in one of those two directions."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:57 lpsmith asks (of inky), "How far out from under the fountain would you say we are?"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:57 inky says, "hmm"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:57 inky says, "it's about halfway between the fountain and the house"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:57 lpsmith says, "(and how far down, for that matter)"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:58 Rob says, "actually no it's not dry necessarily, I sort of made that up"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:58 Rob says, "oh ok"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:58 Jota says (to inky), "So, if a water pipe used to run between the fountain and the house..."

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:58 Rob says, "description didn't say whether it was a live fountain or not"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:58 lpsmith says, ";:| Aernoud keeps finding himself drawn back to a long-dry fountain in the middle of a tiled patio"

[LowEstate]|Mon 19:59 inky says, "and, I dunno, probably 10-20 feet from ground level to the floor in here -- it's not super-buried"

[LowEstate]|Mon 20:00 Rob says, "oh ok"

[LowEstate]|Mon 20:00 Rob says, "I guess I read it properly first and then improperly on skim-read a minute ago"

[LowEstate]|Mon 20:00 lpsmith says, "So, hmm. We could *try* diplomacy while trying to get things set up in our favor for the inevitable conflict."

[LowEstate]|Mon 20:01 lpsmith says, "Because it does seem like if we could actually trade favors with this guy, that'd be good."

[LowEstate]|Mon 20:05 Rob says, "yeah prepare for the worst, but try for a good negotation, sounds like a semi plan"

[LowEstate]|Mon 20:08 Jota says (to lps), "I suppose 'placate' and 'distract' could be very similar things."

[LowEstate]|Mon 20:09 Jota says, "Hmm. I suppose in theory I could set up something, and then someone with better social skills than mine could take advantage of it. Like a maneuvre thing."

[LowEstate]|Mon 20:11 lpsmith says, "Oh, that'd be Boudin, then, one supposes."

[LowEstate]|Mon 20:11 Jota says, "Yeah, probably."

[LowEstate]|Mon 20:12 lpsmith asks, "Maybe he could say something and you could translate?"

[LowEstate]|Mon 20:12 Jota says, "In theory, there's no reason he couldn't be walking in the door just as this is happening."

[LowEstate]|Mon 20:12 Jota says (to lps), "That seems plausible."

[LowEstate]|Mon 20:12 lpsmith says, "Yeah, I did say that I went to go find him first."

[LowEstate]|Mon 20:17 maga asks, "mrm wha?"

[LowEstate]|Mon 20:18 lpsmith asks (of maga), "Hello! How would you like to negotiate with a djinn?"

[LowEstate]|Mon 20:18 lpsmith | http://inky.org/wiki/index.php?title=Low_Estate/Turns/Turn_5

[LowEstate]|Mon 20:18 maga asks, "is it a sexy djinn?"

[LowEstate]|Mon 20:20 Jota says, "I don't think he's being played by Barbara Eden, if that's what you mean."

[LowEstate]|Mon 20:20 Jota says, "But he's also not being played by Robin Williams, so."

[LowEstate]|Mon 20:23 maga says, "if it's not susceptible to seduction, alcohol or class-based pressure, I'm not sure what I can really say to it"

[LowEstate]|Mon 20:23 maga says, "but I shall surely do my best"

[LowEstate]|Mon 20:26 Jota sets it up for you.

[LowEstate]|Mon 20:28 Jota says (to maga), "And since Antheunis was out looking for you last turn, feel free to assume that you made it back in time to be there with us."

[LowEstate]|Mon 20:41 lpsmith says, "There, added something for me, too."

[LowEstate]|Mon 20:55 lpsmith says (to maga), "You have the highest Community(other), so if you can ask the djinn what it wants, and if we might be able to provide it, in return for something (even if that something is 'not being killed'), that'd be great."

[LowEstate]|Mon 20:58 maga asks, "hmm, is this even Community?"

[LowEstate]|Mon 21:03 maga says, "like, it's not as if this guy even has any community that we're aware of"

[LowEstate]|Mon 21:04 maga says, "Resolve might be closer to it? I dunno"

[LowEstate]|Mon 21:05 inky says, "ok, so the way community works in this setup is like Jota's earlier deal with the academics roll"

[LowEstate]|Mon 21:05 inky says, "you can roll community to get the opportunity to ask questions (in this case, about his motivations or identity or mood or whatever)"

[LowEstate]|Mon 21:06 inky says, "and then you can roleplay based on that"

[LowEstate]|Mon 21:08 lpsmith says, "'Community' is, in general, 'interactions with others', AFAIK."

[LowEstate]|Mon 21:08 lpsmith says, "It is all the social FATE skills rolled into one."

[LowEstate]|Mon 21:09 lpsmith says, "So taking a high Community(x) means "I am great at social interactions, in particular the x group, but I in general can talk to whoever""

[LowEstate]|Mon 21:09 inky says, "yeah"

[LowEstate]|Mon 21:10 inky says, "there are possibly things which are so inhuman that you wouldn't use community to relate to them, but not this one"

[LowEstate]|Mon 21:13 Jota says, "I again refer back to the ending of that FATE 7th Sea game."

[LowEstate]|Mon 21:17 maga says, "okay, that's a 9"

[LowEstate]|Mon 21:32 lpsmith asks, "That's, hmm, a partial success?"

[LowEstate]|Mon 21:32 lpsmith says, "That seems reasonable."

[LowEstate]|Mon 21:32 lpsmith asks, "Also, do you want to actually write out what you say, or did you want inky to make that up, too?"

[LowEstate]|Mon 21:32 Jota says, "In this case, I wonder if that means 'we strike up a deal, but because of the language barrier, aren't precisely sure what we've just agreed to'."

[LowEstate]|Mon 21:42 inky says, "he gets to ask one question"

[LowEstate]|Mon 21:43 Jota says, "If he had failed, the djinn would have gotten to ask *him* a question."

[LowEstate]|Mon 21:43 inky says, "yes!"

[LowEstate]|Mon 21:44 inky says, "which is usually less of a big deal if you're telling the truth"

[LowEstate]/Tue 01:20 lpsmith says (to maga), "Looks like you can pick a question, if you like."

[LowEstate]/Tue 09:14 Rob says, "hm do I have to roll something to back out of the room and look for a way to turn on the fountain lickety-split"

[LowEstate]|Tue 09:17 Jota says, "Good question."

[LowEstate]/Tue 17:41 Rob says, "hm possibly a stealth roll but not really"

[LowEstate]|Tue 17:42 inky says, "I think if the point here is to manipulate the pipes, that is probably a science roll again"

[LowEstate]|Tue 17:42 Rob says, "ok"

[LowEstate]|Tue 17:43 Rob says, "I was just making sure that if I snuck out the dude wouldn't go 'where dost thou think thee is going eh?' and fly into a rage"

[LowEstate]|Tue 17:43 inky says, "well, if you fail the science roll he might notice you sneaking out"

[LowEstate]|Tue 17:43 Rob says, "suddenly I'm feeling like I'm totally going to flop the roll"

[LowEstate]|Tue 17:44 inky says, "you can spend a fate point if it's important to you to succeed, but really it's more interesting not to"

[LowEstate]|Tue 17:44 Rob says, "yeah"

[LowEstate]|Tue 17:46 Rob says, "choom, 11"

[LowEstate]|Tue 17:46 inky says, "not too shabby"

[LowEstate]|Tue 17:46 Rob says, "largely shab-free"

[LowEstate]|Tue 17:47 Rob says, "although I don't really want to crank up the waterworks if the other guys are making progress talking to the dude, but if I'm out of earshot I won't know"

[LowEstate]|Tue 17:47 Rob says, "maybe rolling success makes things work out somehow"

[LowEstate]/Tue 19:12 josh_g says, "oh hey, forgot to check on this yesterday"

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:12 josh_g says, "oh ho what the fire djinn is going on"

[LowEstate]|Tue 19:12 Roger exclaims, "Wouldn't you like to know!"

[rpg]|Tue 19:23 josh_g says, "hrm, still a bit unsure if I can unlock a technique without a roll first ... but I'm not really sure what skill this would roll on, if any"

[rpg]|Tue 19:24 Jota says, "I'm pretty sure you can have techniques that don't involve rolls."

[rpg]|Tue 19:26 josh_g says, "ok, adding something and trying to unlock a 'Blink Bird' technique"

[rpg]|Tue 19:26 josh_g says, "figuring that teleporting to the wand would be handy when there's a fire elemental thing in the way"

[rpg]|Tue 19:28 josh_g says, "hmm, I guess that's two techniques unlocked already. I should keep track of that somehow"

[rpg]|Tue 19:28 josh_g says, "since I'll probably forget in a week"

[rpg]|Tue 19:28 Jota says, "I've been noting mine on my character sheet."

[rpg]|Tue 19:28 josh_g says, "oh, wait, no I just used a secondary aspect"

[rpg]|Tue 19:28 josh_g says, "this would be my first technique"

[rpg]|Tue 19:29 josh_g says, "I guess I could make up another secondary aspect at some point ... but I can't think of what so maybe it's no rush"

[LowEstate]/Tue 21:03 Rob says, "oho, josh_g has a bird"

[LowEstate]/16:29 inky says, "oh, I missed Boudin's question"

[LowEstate]|16:29 inky says, "hmmm"

[LowEstate]|16:30 lpsmith says, "I think that's everyone, too."

[LowEstate]|16:30 inky says, "hmm"

[LowEstate]|16:30 inky says, "I was intending to spin out this turn until the figure was dealt with, but maybe that is getting too confusing"

[LowEstate]|16:31 Jota asks (of lps), "Wait, you want inky to move ahead without waiting for Fang?"

[LowEstate]|16:31 inky says, "ha ha"

[rpg]/20:49 Roger says, "Woo hey the FATE license finally came out; much as expected"

[LowEstate]/08:07 Jota says, "Interesting."

[LowEstate]|08:07 Jota says, "I have no idea what the response to Antheunis and the gem means."

[LowEstate]/11:53 josh_g asks, "so, do I bother trying to use the wand myself, or do I toss it to Willem who has some clue of actually understanding it?"

[LowEstate]/12:17 Jota says, "A question made even more interesting by the fact that we don't actually know what it does."

[LowEstate]|12:18 josh_g says, "yeah"

[LowEstate]|12:18 josh_g says, "it has a rune on it, which probably you could read"

[LowEstate]|12:18 josh_g says, "and I have absolutely no idea how wands are going to work in this world"

[LowEstate]|12:19 Jota says, "Yeah. It could be a single spell that automatically goes off if you point it at something, or it could require some magical talent or trigger. Or it might be able to do a variety of related things, like 'control the summoned djinn'."

[LowEstate]|12:23 Jota says, "I get the impression that magic here isn't the straightforward mechanical process it is in many other RPG's."

[LowEstate]|12:33 josh_g says, "well, I guess either Aernoud could toss it to Willem, or else Willem could try to give Aernoud instructions on what to do"

[LowEstate]|12:35 Jota says, "I wonder if analyzing it would require a technique or just an Academics roll."

[LowEstate]|12:35 Jota says, "(If the latter, Lazer theoretically has good Academics too, if you wanted to work together with him.)"

[LowEstate]|12:39 josh_g says, "that could be wacky enough to be worth a try"

[LowEstate]|12:39 josh_g says, "maybe I'll just ask him and see what happens"

[LowEstate]|12:41 josh_g says, "oh wait, he just ran out of the room to turn on the water"

[LowEstate]|12:42 Jota says, "It sounds like he's in the tunnel leading to this room."

[LowEstate]|12:42 Jota says, "Presumably you could get to him within this action."

[LowEstate]|12:42 Jota says, "(Or you could just toss it to Willem.)"

[LowEstate]|12:43 Jota says, "Speaking of Lazer, it's Rob."

[LowEstate]|12:43 Rob says, "speaking of"

[LowEstate]|12:45 Rob says, "geas, there's a new word"

[LowEstate]|12:45 josh_g says (to Rob), "maybe recap a bit"

[LowEstate]|12:45 josh_g says, "and yeah, I had to google that too"

[LowEstate]|12:46 josh_g says, "the response to the gem makes me think it's key to how he got trapped there"

[LowEstate]|12:46 josh_g says, "(he/she/it/whatever)"

[LowEstate]|12:47 josh_g says, "the 'poisoned wine' comment, I dunno"

[LowEstate]|12:47 Rob says, "this is some fancy wacky-writin' with the guy's dialogue"

[LowEstate]|12:47 lpsmith says, "Yeah, hmm."

[LowEstate]|12:48 Jota says (to Rob), "Of course, he might be speaking perfectly plainly, and Willem just isn't an expert of djinnese idiomatic expressions."

[LowEstate]|12:48 Rob says, "heh"

[LowEstate]|12:50 Jota says, "The first part of the dialogue makes sense to me, I think: he seems to be saying that just making it feel like the desert without actually sending him back there isn't worth much, and actually just makes it all the worse."

[LowEstate]|12:50 Jota says, "But the bit about the gem, I have no idea."

[LowEstate]|12:50 Rob says, "sounds kind of like he's describing how he got snookered"

[LowEstate]|12:50 lpsmith says, "The clue in that first line is probably the 'traveled vessel'."

[LowEstate]|12:50 Rob says, "hm, is any of our channel dialogue being logged at all as part of the adventure? because this is where the brainstorming happens"

[LowEstate]|12:51 lpsmith says, "Like, he came in a lamp or something."

[LowEstate]|12:51 Rob says, "yeah"

[LowEstate]|12:51 Jota exclaims (at Rob), "Nope. Feel free to do so!"

[LowEstate]|12:51 Rob says, "anyway, Lazer's found a valve, but he's wondering when he should give it a crank"

[LowEstate]|12:51 Jota says, "I bet @recap still goes back a good ways."

[LowEstate]|12:51 Rob says, "it goes back a couple days"

[LowEstate]|12:52 Rob says, "actually longer than that, now's probably a good time to grab it"

[LowEstate]|12:52 Rob says, "maybe it should get pasted to a Talk page on the wiki or something"

[LowEstate]|12:52 Jota says (to lps), "There's also the 'a promise, a wisp, a gibe' part..."

[LowEstate]|12:53 Jota says (to Rob), "There might be some relevant recap on #rpg as well, if you're collecting it."

[LowEstate]|12:53 lpsmith says (to Jota), "I assume the 'wisp' means 'illusion', and 'gibe' means 'cruel joke'; not sure about promise."

[LowEstate]|12:54 lpsmith says, "I actually thought 'pearl' might mean myself, as something that's formed under water."

[LowEstate]|12:54 lpsmith asks (of inky), "Is the gem I caught a pearl? Or something else?"

[LowEstate]|12:55 Jota says (to lps), "Perhaps, 'I was promised I could go home under X conditions, but I'm still here, so maybe that promise was just a lie or joke'."

[LowEstate]|12:56 Jota says, "In which case, it might be to our benefit to find out what his geas/obligation is, because maybe we can fulfill it for him."

[LowEstate]|12:57 josh_g says, "ok, I'm just going to have Aernoud ask either or both of Willem and Lazer what the heck this wand does"

[LowEstate]|12:59 josh_g says, "and I would lean towards figuring out how to let this thing go rather than trying to fight it"

[LowEstate]|12:59 josh_g says, "since it seems to want to get the heck out of there and back to ... wherever, so it's not likely to terrorize the city"

[LowEstate]|13:00 josh_g says, "OTOH I guess Willem tried to tell it we're not trying to hurt it, and it's still pissed"

[LowEstate]|13:00 Rob says, "I guess I'm waiting for a signal to turn on the waterworks"

[LowEstate]|13:00 lpsmith think think think.

[LowEstate]|13:01 Rob says, "which might be useful as a distraction while seeing if the wand does anything"

[LowEstate]|13:01 Rob says, "or maybe the gem does something. or the wand plus the gem do something."

[LowEstate]|13:01 Jota says, "I think I'm going to wait to see what maga's doing before I have Willem do anything, in case I need to cooperate with him for negotiating."

[LowEstate]|13:01 josh_g says, "I'm tempted to try destroying the gem, since he seems to think it's a trap of some kind"

[LowEstate]|13:02 josh_g says, "but, not mine to destroy"

[LowEstate]|13:02 Jota says, "Although it is possible what lps said, that he's somehow referring to Antheunis' naiad blood."

[LowEstate]|13:03 josh_g says, "oh, hrm"

[LowEstate]|13:04 inky says, "(the gem you caught isn't a pearl, it's a geode -- I should clarify)"

[LowEstate]|13:04 lpsmith says, "Ah, cool."

[LowEstate]|13:04 lpsmith says, "I am considering something crazy, which probably means it's a good idea."

[LowEstate]|13:05 inky says, "ha ha"

[LowEstate]|13:05 Jota says, "Hee."

[LowEstate]|13:05 Jota says, "For some value of 'good', almost certainly."

[LowEstate]|13:05 Jota says, "(That value could be 'it suddenly makes the entire story a lot more complicated'.)"

[LowEstate]|13:06 josh_g says, "ha ha"

[LowEstate]|13:06 josh_g says (to Jota), "well, I just added a question to Willem, if you want to follow up with an Academics roll that might help"

[LowEstate]|13:06 lpsmith says, "Something along the lines of having Lazer flood the room, then stepping into the middle of the whirlwind/downpour and trying to communicate in ElementalSpeak with the guy."

Recapped 684 of 684 lines from games/roleplaying/rpg and games/roleplaying/LowEstate (09d23 to 00m23 ago).

[LowEstate]|13:07 josh_g says, "it's so crazy it just ... might start a war between planes that ravages the entire world for centuries"

[LowEstate]|13:07 lpsmith exclaims, "Cool!"

[LowEstate]|13:07 inky says, "ha ha"

[LowEstate]|13:07 Jota says, "Or you might merge with it into a super djinnaiad level 2 elemental."

[LowEstate]|13:08 Jota exclaims, "With the power of quicksand!"

[LowEstate]|13:08 lpsmith says, "Ha ha djinnaiad"

[LowEstate]|13:08 josh_g says, "and then you have to speak in Dark Archon voice from Starcraft for the rest of the adventure"

[LowEstate]|13:08 lpsmith exclaims, "I've already been doing that!"

[LowEstate]|13:08 josh_g says, "yay"

[LowEstate]|13:10 lpsmith asks, "Should I go for it? Any other ideas?"

[LowEstate]|13:12 josh_g says, "hmm, just looking over the last turn again"

[LowEstate]|13:12 josh_g says, "my attention's been on the wand and the gem, but there's also the obvious thing of the device"

[LowEstate]|13:13 josh_g says, "but, I guess there's no sign that the device is directly connected to keeping the djinn there"

[LowEstate]|13:13 Jota says, "Whoa, I just Googled 'djinnaid', and all the results are in Japanese."

[LowEstate]|13:14 Jota says (to josh), "We also haven't searched the room to see if the device is actually here or not, I don't think."

[LowEstate]|13:14 josh_g says, "there are papers scattered on the desk, other objects from the painting are dusty and on the shelves ... but probably there's no time for studying papers"

[LowEstate]|13:14 lpsmith says, "If it is, it'd be the model."

[LowEstate]|13:15 * NewsBoy hollers, "Extra! Extra! Rob has posted message 15, about 'MUDchat recap page', to the bulletin board! Somebody pay neild his royalties!"

[LowEstate]|13:15 Jota asks (of lps), "The miniature version?"

[LowEstate]|13:15 Jota says, "Even still, it might be enough to amplify a simple magical effect."

[LowEstate]|13:15 Rob says, "now I have to catch up on what's actually happening right now"

[LowEstate]|13:15 lpsmith says, "Yeah, water damage is one thing I'm worried about, but I'm not sure I'd survive without a dose of my element to bolster me."

[LowEstate]|13:15 lpsmith says (to Jota), "Right."

[LowEstate]|13:16 Jota says, "E.g., if someone had a creature that could teleport short distances, carrying small objects with it, perhaps the model might let that creature teleport a longer distance carrying a creature with it..."

[LowEstate]|13:16 Jota says, "Say, to the closest desert."

[LowEstate]|13:16 lpsmith says, "What turn is there a description of the painting? I'm not finding it."

[LowEstate]|13:16 josh_g says (to Jota), "I think the device was meant to tap into existing magical nexus...es, but that this location was devoid of such"

[LowEstate]|13:17 josh_g says (to lpsmith), "there's stuff in the start of turn 5"

[LowEstate]|13:17 Jota says (to lps), "Turn 5, the bullet points at the top."

[LowEstate]|13:17 Rob says, "antheunis is half naiad? I forgot that, but it explains the comments yesterday and also why he's a 'slippery' urchin"

[LowEstate]|13:17 josh_g says, "plus some less-specific stuff in turn 4"

[LowEstate]|13:18 Jota says (to josh), "Oh yeah, good point, I forgot we were in the ley line dead zone."

[LowEstate]|13:18 Jota says (to josh), "I guess the device would probably get zero bars here."

[LowEstate]|13:18 lpsmith says, "OK, so yeah, there's mostly stuff on the bookshelves, not books per se."

[LowEstate]|13:18 lpsmith says, "(though there's presumably some books also)"

[LowEstate]|13:18 lpsmith exclaims, "Ha!"

[LowEstate]|13:19 Rob says, "I was figuring the dude was keeping us from searching for the device, not that it's here necessarily"

[LowEstate]|13:19 josh_g says, "btw if anyone else hasn't seen this, it might be helpful"

[LowEstate]|13:19 josh_g | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geis

[LowEstate]|13:20 inky says, "and of course http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/geasQuest.htm "

[LowEstate]|13:20 lpsmith says, "Or more relevantly: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/geasLesser.htm "

[LowEstate]|13:21 lpsmith says, "(or more descriptively)"

[LowEstate]|13:22 inky says, "geas quest! you must find .. DOG MEAT"

[LowEstate]|13:22 Rob says, "wow, another 12 roll"

[LowEstate]|13:22 Rob says, "hee"

[LowEstate]|13:22 Rob says, "urchins and orphans have an advantage roll for this probably"

[LowEstate]|13:23 Jota exclaims, "Dang, I don't know Limited Wish, Miracle or Wish!"

[LowEstate]|13:23 josh_g says (to Jota), "I would guess that since you've studied magic, you probably don't need a specific technique for using wands ... but I dunno"

[LowEstate]|13:23 Jota asks, "But on the other hand, if he's a djinn, shouldn't he be able to cast Wish as a supernatural ability?"

[LowEstate]|13:23 Rob says, "I wish you would get the hell out of here O mighty djinn"

[LowEstate]|13:24 Jota says (to josh), "Mmm. But on the other hand, it could be argued that studying magic is the thing that enables me to get that technique."

[LowEstate]|13:24 josh_g says, "oh sure. I was just thinking you probably don't *need* to spend a Fate Point on it if you want to keep it for something else"

[LowEstate]|13:25 Jota says, "Yeah, I am hoping that is what the GM decides as well."

[LowEstate]|13:25 josh_g asks, "hmm. wait, if a geas means the djinn is bound here until finishing a specific task, what if we help it complete the task (or find out what the task is)?"

[LowEstate]|13:26 Rob says, "someone else has been asking that already"

[LowEstate]|13:26 josh_g says, "yeah I'm slow"

[LowEstate]|13:26 Jota asks (of inky), "The question josh and I were wondering about being: does figuring out how a magic wands with runes on it require a special 'analyze magical device' technique, or is just Academics alone sufficient, given Willem's background?"

[LowEstate]|13:27 Jota says, "Also, we're all going to feel really guilty if it turns out that pouring water over a djinn and then throwing a naiad at it is how you kill one."

[LowEstate]|13:28 josh_g says, "roll Brawn: Chucking Half-Naiads"

[LowEstate]|13:29 lpsmith says, "Heh."

[LowEstate]|13:29 Rob says, "I should note that I am apprehensive about pouring water on the guy since he hasn't done anything mean to us yet, even though I'm on the task"

[LowEstate]/13:50 lpsmith says, "Man, what the heck. Rolled a natural 11, making this a 14."

[LowEstate]|13:52 Jota asks, "Is that unusual?"

[LowEstate]|13:52 lpsmith says, "We just all keep rolling really high."

[LowEstate]|13:52 lpsmith says, "(not that I am complaining)"

[LowEstate]|13:53 Jota says, "(I am just joking because I haven't managed to roll less than an advanced success yet.)"

[LowEstate]|13:53 lpsmith says, "Ha."

[LowEstate]|13:53 lpsmith says, "I rolled an 8 on reflexes last turn, but that didn't end up applying much; maybe it'll apply to when I can act this turn."

[LowEstate]|13:54 josh_g says, "I've been taking all the low rolls for y'all"

[LowEstate]|13:55 Jota asks (of lps), "Er. *Who* is it who just stepped into the whirlwind?"

[LowEstate]|13:55 josh_g says, "ha ha ha"

[LowEstate]|13:55 josh_g says, "I knew I shouldn't have picked a name with the same first letter"

[LowEstate]|13:55 lpsmith says, "Whoops, ha."

[LowEstate]|13:58 josh_g asks, "I'm still kind of adjusting to the story-rpg-vs-game-rpg mentality here. do we need to assume that inky's got a use for that bone wand in mind, or can we just make something up for it and run with it?"

[LowEstate]|13:58 lpsmith says, "That's a good question."

[LowEstate]|13:59 josh_g says, "I think if nothing else I'll make a sort of intent statement re: what Aernoud is ready to do with the wand depending on how it's useful"

[LowEstate]|13:59 lpsmith says, "I *think* that the bone wand has an 'objective' use."

[LowEstate]|13:59 lpsmith says, "That makes sense."

[LowEstate]|13:59 Jota says, "Yeah, I felt like I was pushing things a bit with the storeroom, but inky seemed happy to roll with it."

[LowEstate]|13:59 lpsmith says, "Yeah, I'm totally pushing things here, too ;-)"

[LowEstate]|14:00 Jota says, "Also, I am now imagining a sequence of events: 'Aernod discovers that the wand will banish the djinn back to the desert' -> 'Antheunis leaps into the whirlwind' -> 'Aernod triggers the wand' -> 'Where's Antheunis?'"

[LowEstate]|14:00 lpsmith says, "Hee"

[LowEstate]|14:02 Jota says, "(Also, where's the 'u' in Aernoud's name?)"

[LowEstate]|14:05 Jota says, "I wonder if we'll be taking a day off after this to recharge everyone's fate points."

[LowEstate]|14:08 josh_g says, "like I said, taking all the low rolls for y'all"

[LowEstate]|14:08 josh_g says, "think I'll push another Fate Point at that, a partial success sounds scary right now"

[LowEstate]|14:09 Jota says (to josh), "A partial success might just negate your parenthetical."

[LowEstate]|14:09 Jota says, "(Which I suspect lps would be perfectly happy with.)"

[LowEstate]|14:09 josh_g says, "heh"

[LowEstate]|14:11 Jota says, "Too bad the Environmental Evocation aspect on the room probably won't help with the wand stuff."

[LowEstate]|14:11 lpsmith says, "Yeah, I actually thought that getting a partial success on my own roll might be more appropriate, given the stupidity of the attempt ;-)"

[LowEstate]|14:12 josh_g says, "ha ha"

[LowEstate]|14:14 lpsmith says (to inky), "I would actually be OK with (if not actively in favor of) an even more interesting success accompanied by some sort of cost. I mean, there's the dice and all, but there's also stepping into a hostile whirlwind."

[LowEstate]|14:14 Jota asks (of josh), "See? See?"

[LowEstate]|14:15 lpsmith says, "I was wondering if relaxing to reset the fate points also reset the unlocked techniques or not, or if those carry over."

[LowEstate]|14:16 lpsmith says, "Wait, I already unlocked advanced successes for Nature rolls, didn't I? Awesome."

[LowEstate]|14:16 Jota says, "I don't think it ununlocks techniques... that'd be sad."

[LowEstate]|14:17 Jota says, "'Once unlocked, a technique is available for the rest of the adventure (without having to pay to unlock each time).'"

[LowEstate]|14:18 Jota says, "'Rest of the adventure' seems pretty clearly different from 'until you relax'."

[LowEstate]|14:18 lpsmith asks, "And 'advanced successes count' is a 'technique'?"

[LowEstate]|14:20 Jota says, "Yeah."

[LowEstate]|14:20 Jota says, "It's one of the bullet points under 'Things a technique can do'."

[LowEstate]/18:33 Rob asks, "dang, did I miss my chance to turn on the waterworks?"

[LowEstate]|18:37 Rob asks, "how do fate points regenerate?"

[LowEstate]|18:39 inky says, "when you take a break"

[LowEstate]|18:39 inky says, "(which, yeah, probably seems like a reasonable thing to have happen after this bit in the lab is sorted out)"

[LowEstate]|18:40 Rob says, "aha"

[LowEstate]|18:40 lpsmith exclaims (at Rob), "No, you didn't miss your chance--I'm counting on it!"

[LowEstate]|18:41 Rob says, "I was thinking the thing with the water valve would be that it was old and rusted stuck and I'd have to amazingly have an oil can on hand or something. or maybe it's up too high and I need a footstool, blah blah"

[LowEstate]|18:41 Rob says, "oh ok"

[LowEstate]|18:42 Rob says, "or it just works, I just haven't typed it yet even though you're all whirlwinded already"

[LowEstate]|18:42 Rob says, "oh wait, you did say it worked already"

[LowEstate]|18:42 Rob says, "man, my short-term retention is lousy lately"

[LowEstate]|18:43 lpsmith says, "Well, yes, I assumed that it worked just so that I could write a description up, but I also wrote that I stepped into the whirlwind before it started, so we can retroactively change things up if tht fails or something."

[LowEstate]|18:43 Rob says, "hm ok"

[LowEstate]|18:45 Rob says, "this is where I again feel like I'm not quite confident about how to write up what I'm doing and whether it needs a roll or not"

[LowEstate]|18:46 Rob says, "I'll pretend it's because Lazer is depressed and moody and therefore indecisive at crucial moments"

[LowEstate]|18:49 Jota says, "It looks like you rolled for it last turn and succeeded."

[LowEstate]|18:50 Rob asks, "yeah. so that wasn't just for finding the valve, it was turning it, too?"

[LowEstate]|18:51 Jota says, "Based on how inky wrote it, that seems likely."

[LowEstate]|18:51 lpsmith says, "Yeah, so you *could* turn it whenever you wanted to."

[LowEstate]|18:52 Jota says, "I bet that if you'd gotten a partial success, inky might have said that you found it, but it was all rusted up or something."

[LowEstate]|18:53 Rob says, "ok, that makes sense"

[LowEstate]|18:55 Jota says, "Of course, if you feel like roleplaying it, there's nothing wrong with *you* saying that it's all rusted, oh no, but hey you have a wrench, yay."

Current time: Thursday, 13 Jun 2013, 09:14:11 PM EDT

[LowEstate]/21:44 Rob takes Jota's suggestion and does a bit of a page amend/edit

[LowEstate]/01:23 lpsmith exclaims, "Woo!"

[LowEstate]|01:23 lpsmith says, "Aww, timing ;-)"

[LowEstate]/13:13 Jota says (to inky), "I have a question about Fate Point mechanics."

[LowEstate]|13:13 Jota asks, "Given that we are about to recover fate points, is there any reason not to spend the remaining ones we have first?"

[LowEstate]|13:13 Jota says, "(Aside from potentially 'metagaming makes the GM sad'.)"

[LowEstate]|13:14 inky says, "yeah, I don't see why not"

[LowEstate]|13:17 josh_g says, "I approve greatly of the use of my Reflexes roll, btw"

[LowEstate]|13:17 Jota says (to inky), "Excellent."

[LowEstate]|13:17 Jota says, "(Now I have to figure out which to techniques to unlock...)"

[LowEstate]|13:30 Jota says, "I guess we have effectively concluded Act I."

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