Low Estate/MUDchat3

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Current time: Thursday, 27 Jun 2013: Turn 11

[LowEstate]/Thu 00:44 inky says, "hmm, maybe Lazer should have a crazy inspiration"

[LowEstate]|Thu 00:44 Rob says, "I wondered about that"

[LowEstate]|Thu 00:44 Rob says, "it's somewhere on the char sheet"

[LowEstate]|Thu 00:45 Rob says, "I was almost going to write it like that but you weren't around for a consultation"

[LowEstate]|Thu 00:45 Rob says, "like he says 'I don't know what it means. But if I had to take a crazy fricking guess, how about it means blah'"

[LowEstate]|Thu 00:46 Rob says, "I could spend a fate point or something if that seems relevant"

[LowEstate]/Thu 01:58 inky says, "ok hopefully that will be funny and not useless"

[LowEstate]/Thu 07:32 Rob says, "hee hee"

[LowEstate]|Thu 07:33 Rob says, "excellent"

[LowEstate]/Thu 09:39 * NewsBoy hollers, "Extra! Extra! Rob has posted message 16, about 'Current turn MUDchat archive', to the bulletin board! Why oh why can't I find a nice NewsGirl on this mud?"

[LowEstate]|Thu09:40 Rob says (to Jota), "hey willem, howyadoin"

[LowEstate]|Thu 09:41 Jota says, "Not bad. At work, so theoretically not paying much attention to the MUD, though."

[LowEstate]|09:43 Rob nod

Current time: Thursday, 27 Jun 2013, 10:05:04 AM EDT

[LowEstate]/Thu 10:44 Rob says, "blarf, got totally confused trying to make a new chat-archive post, and link to it from GM latest-post. I think I got it all figured out. nuances I had in mind lost, but I think the general gist of it is there"

[LowEstate]/Thu 22:22 lpsmith asks, "So, are we also going to the University in turn 11?"

[LowEstate]|Thu 22:22 lpsmith asks, "Or is that waiting for 12?"

[LowEstate]|Thu 22:23 inky says, "if you want to open up a university thread, that seems totally reasonable"

[LowEstate]|Thu 22:23 inky says, "at this point the masquerade ball is still "off next week", I think"

[LowEstate]|Thu 22:24 Roger says, "I'm authentically impressed at the pace of this; well done to all y'all"

[LowEstate]|Thu 22:27 inky says, "hunh, interesting"

[LowEstate]|Thu 22:28 inky says, "I think what we've done in three weeks is about equivalent to a four or five hour session"

[LowEstate]|Thu 22:29 Roger says, "The games I've been in, you probably wouldn't even be out of chargen yet"

[LowEstate]|Thu 22:29 inky says, "ha ha"

[LowEstate]|Thu 22:29 inky says, "I guess it helps to do some live chats here"

[LowEstate]|Thu 22:29 Roger says, "Yeah between that and the pre-existing social bonds, I think it helps a lot"

[LowEstate]/Fri 21:54 lpsmith asks (of inky), "Hey, do you need more input from us on anything?"

[LowEstate]|Fri 21:58 inky says, "I don't think so, I'm going to get something together tonight"

[LowEstate]|Fri 21:59 lpsmith says, "Cool."

[LowEstate]/Sat 09:54 Jota says, "Oops."

[LowEstate]|Sat 09:54 Jota says, "I wonder if I want to use a Fate Point for that."

[LowEstate]|Sat 09:59 Jota asks (of Rob), "If you log in and recap, what do you think: spend a Fate Point to turn this into a partial success, or let it slide and try to use Stealth to sneak in?"

[LowEstate]/Sun 19:16 Jota says, "I had been hoping to hear from Rob on his opinion about the sneak question, but I guess he's not around much this weekend."

[LowEstate]/Mon 01:55 Rob says, "oh, sorry... I guess I'm for trying to sneak"

[LowEstate]/Mon 13:00 lpsmith asks (of inky), "What the deal with Stealth? Should everyone who wants to sneak roll for it, or does only the 'leader' need to do so; can others help, or...?"

[LowEstate]|Mon 13:05 inky says, "I think the correct answer is to prod at more story detail until it becomes clear, but in general everyone has to roll if they're all, I dunno, sneaking by the same guard one by one"

[LowEstate]|Mon 13:06 inky says, "but I still need to work out what happens as a result of Willem's failed roll"

[LowEstate]|Mon 13:06 inky says, "(probably I shouldn't have had a roll there without deciding what the deal would be)"

[LowEstate]|Mon 13:10 lpsmith says, "I was thinking it would mean that the guy would become suspicious of Willem's motives and decline, with the net result being that it is now harder than ever to get into the catacombs."

[LowEstate]|Mon 13:11 inky says, "yeah"

[LowEstate]|Mon 13:12 inky says, "but I'm also allowed to make another unrelated move which is bad for the players, so there may be something juicier"

[LowEstate]|Mon 13:15 lpsmith says, "Oh, interesting."

[LowEstate]/Tue 15:19 Jota asks (of inky), "Should I infer that Willem is otherwise occupied while the others are sneaking about?"

[LowEstate]|Tue 15:31 inky says, "I figured you would be sort of out for this first bit and then could show up again when they get into the catacombs or something, yeah (or they could wait for you if nobody's in a hurry)"

[LowEstate]/Tue 15:54 inky asks, "oh, speaking of Willem, what his equivalent modern-day academic position?"

[LowEstate]|Tue 15:54 inky asks, "like, is he like an american undergrad? or like an american grad student? or a post-doc?"

[LowEstate]|Tue 15:54 Jota says, "I think an undergrad upperclassman."

[LowEstate]|Tue 15:54 inky asks, "or more like a uk undergrad?"

[LowEstate]|Tue 15:54 Jota says, "I don't know the difference between a US undgrad and a UK undergrad."

[LowEstate]|Tue 15:55 Jota says, "(Also, probably one with a high GPA, for whatever that may be worth reputation-wise.)"

[LowEstate]|Tue 15:55 inky says, "I guess I get the vibe UK undergrad life is more like US grad life (fewer classes, more direct relation with a tutor)"

[LowEstate]|Tue 15:55 inky asks, "ok, but socially still pretty distinct from the professors?"

[LowEstate]|Tue 15:56 maga says (to inky), "that's only really true of Oxbridge"

[LowEstate]|Tue 15:56 inky says, "good point -- I really have no idea what other uk universities are like since they never show up in books"

[LowEstate]|Tue 15:56 Jota says, "Mmm. Possibly more like the UK style, but yeah, socially distinct from the professors. Like, he knows a lot of them, and many of them probably think highly of him as a student, but he's not likely to be hanging out with them extra-curricularly."

[LowEstate]/Wed 01:52 lpsmith says, "Hmm, I'm not sure what to do here other than say 'we go in'."

[LowEstate]|Wed 01:52 lpsmith says, "(cf turn 12)"

[LowEstate]|Wed 01:53 lpsmith asks, "Do you want us to tell you what we're looking for?"

[LowEstate]|Wed 01:58 inky says, "yeah, I'm not actually sure why you're here"

[LowEstate]|Wed 02:00 inky says, "if you're checking it out as a place of power, then I remember Willem has that wand and Aernoud spent some time studying Lady Bellaire's notes on ley lines"

[LowEstate]/Wed 08:53 Jota asks, "Man. The GM gives us a mysterious scrap a paper with an address on it, plus the key to the entrance, and when we go check it out, he says he's not sure why we're here?"

[LowEstate]|Wed 08:53 Rob says, "heh"

[LowEstate]|Wed 08:54 Rob says, "maybe there's only a mysterious scrap of paper because someone made a really kick-ass roll"

[LowEstate]/Wed 09:30 Rob says, "there was a strong sense that what we should be doing is going to the masquerade as the next big scene that is due to happen"

[LowEstate]|Wed 09:31 Jota says, "Yeah. Which I suppose we'll do. But it's not really apparent that we've got a clear motivation to do so."

[LowEstate]|Wed 09:31 Rob says, "just a manic flash of insight"

[LowEstate]|Wed 09:31 Jota says, "Aside from OOC knowledge that masquerades are places where stuff happens."

[LowEstate]|Wed 09:31 Jota says, "And, right, that."

[LowEstate]|Wed 09:31 Rob says, "well I guess the idea is that the main bad guy has some powerful reason to be there"

[LowEstate]|Wed 09:32 Rob says, "and we want to figure out what that is, and so the thing to do is to be there and catch him with his hand in the cookie jar or whatever"

[LowEstate]/Wed 11:41 inky says, "#belated oh, I know exactly why you guys were at the warehouse"

[LowEstate]|Wed 11:41 inky says, "I just don't know why you're at the catacombs"

[LowEstate]/Wed 13:22 Jota says (to inky), "Oh, ah."

[LowEstate]|Wed 13:22 Jota says, "We're at the catacombs because Lazer wanted to go to the catacombs."

[LowEstate]|Wed 13:22 Jota says, "(I.e., the exact same reason we're considering going to the masquerade.)"

[LowEstate]|Wed 13:24 inky says, "hee hee"

[LowEstate]|Wed 13:24 inky says, "well then"

[LowEstate]|Wed 13:25 Jota says, "(I had thought he'd had some specific in-game reason for it. But perhaps I was jumping to conclusions?)"

[LowEstate]|Wed 13:25 Jota says, "(Or perhaps it was a matter of Rob thinking 'Catacombs are interesting. Let's see if we can get inky to make them relevant to the story.')"

[LowEstate]/Sun 12:26 Jota asks, "IC, is there any indication that the ball next week has anything whatsoever to do with anything involving us?"

[LowEstate]/Mon 14:40 Jota asks (of inky), "IC, is there any indication that the ball next week has anything whatsoever to do with anything involving us?"

[LowEstate]|Mon 14:49 inky says, "I don't think so, except that wosshisface showed some mild interest in Boudin getting him tickets"

[LowEstate]|Mon 14:49 inky says, "(and if you don't want to go that is fine, I just like masquerade balls)"

[LowEstate]|Mon 14:50 lpsmith says, "Ha"

[LowEstate]|Mon 14:51 lpsmith asks, "Oh, right--I take it the Death Nexus and the Under-warehouse areas are two different places? Are they not very close to each other?"

[LowEstate]|Mon 14:54 Jota says, "Oh, I am interested in going. I am just trying to figure out why Willem would care."

[LowEstate]|Mon 14:56 Jota says, "(Or more accurately, what sort of goals we might have if we do attend.)"

[LowEstate]|Mon 15:01 lpsmith says, "Hmm, I wonder if I should spend a fate point here for a regular success."

[LowEstate]|Mon 15:02 lpsmith says, "Enh, I'll go with the more interesting option ;-)"

[LowEstate]|Mon 15:03 Jota says, "Also, as a side note: I don't think I would have thought of 'oily coldness' in a TSD sense on my own..."

[LowEstate]|Mon 15:07 inky says, "well, it just seemed like in context with waving this wand around"

Recapped 65 of 65 lines from games/roleplaying/LowEstate (09d19 to 02h02 ago)

Current time: Monday, 8 Jul 2013, 05:09:48 PM EDT

[LowEstate]/Wed 17:57 lpsmith says, "Ha, both of my partial successes coming back to haunt me ;-)"

[LowEstate]|Wed 17:58 lpsmith says, "OK, so. I assume that 'I wait around until they leave' is probably not a plan that is destined to work, given the rolls involved."

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:01 lpsmith asks, "But can we, perhaps, say that my problem is that the henchmen are hanging around while Ruud leaves, so my problem is that my best source of information is likely to disappear again unless I do something clever? Or should I take some other tack?"

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:08 inky says, "I think the situation hasn't ruled out following them back eventually (though I also think they may not be going anywhere interesting, if they were just here to size up the warehouse and crypt)"

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:08 inky says, "but you have this new more immediate problem that they're starting to search the crypt for you (and Willem and the others, I guess)"

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:09 lpsmith says, "Ah, OK. Who all is here, then? I thought more, and it has sort of dwindled to Willem and I."

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:10 inky says, "yeah, if other people want to claim they were never there that is fine I guess"

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:11 lpsmith says, "I guess Lazer and Aernoud were trying to sneak earlier and found the locked door and porter."

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:12 inky says, "true"

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:12 inky says, "it seems like it might behoove you to find a solution other than just dodging around them, then"

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:12 inky says, "(since that doesn't help the others out any)"

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:15 lpsmith says, "From the description of the place, I thought it was actually pretty large--especially with Ruud following explicit directions to the under-warehouse bit."

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:15 inky says, "yeah"

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:15 inky says, "I think if you're in the dark and there's just two or three of them, there wouldn't be much difficulty to elude them in the darkness"

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:16 inky says, "but if you're the only one who knows they're there, it seems like their chances of stumbling on Willem or Lazer or Aernoud aren't bad"

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:16 lpsmith says, "So I at least have to go warn them or do something clever."

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:16 inky says, "yeah probably"

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:18 lpsmith think think.

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:19 lpsmith asks, "They have a single lantern + individual candles? Or a lantern each?"

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:20 inky says, "I think they only brought the one lantern and then probably grabbed candles the way you did as they headed in"

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:23 lpsmith asks, "Might it be possible for me to make the lantern go out with a Control The Mist technique? Like, gradually cause the wick to get too wet to burn properly?"

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:24 inky says, "it doesn't seem out of the question"

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:25 inky says, "I imagine it'd be easier to snuff the candles that way than the lantern"

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:25 inky says, "but not impossible"

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:25 lpsmith says, "I don't know how that translates to a one-TN-to-rule-them-all system."

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:26 inky says, "possibly it would take an advanced success to snuff everything, then"

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:27 lpsmith asks, "Oh, maybe partial would be the candles, full the lantern, advanced everything?"

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:28 inky says, "yeah, something like that"

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:28 inky says, "or maybe the degree of success is also about whether/how they spot you"

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:29 lpsmith says, "Yeah, I was thinking at least fail would be 'they see me first'"

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:30 lpsmith says, "Sure, I'll try that, then."

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:40 lpsmith says, "Hmm, another partial."

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:43 inky says, "man"

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:43 lpsmith says, "Wondering whether to spend a fate point to up it, but am sort of inclined not to."

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:43 lpsmith asks, "Man what?"

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:44 inky says, "oh, just you're suddenly hitting a string of them"

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:44 lpsmith says, "Well, I should get them half the time-ish."

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:45 lpsmith says, "But I also just rolled a 6,6 again, so I'm not complaining ;-)"

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:46 lpsmith says, "(I guess I get them on 4-6, for a +3 skill)"

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:47 lpsmith says, "Which looks like is ~32%."

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:47 lpsmith says, "(plus failures, for another 8%)"

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:48 lpsmith says, "I'm mostly inclined to keep the partial because it makes you work more ;-)"

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:50 inky says, "ha ha"

[LowEstate]|Wed 18:56 lpsmith says, "OK, I'll give other people time to chime in if they think this is a bad idea, but if they don't, I'll let it stand."

[LowEstate]/Wed 19:33 lpsmith says, "Hey, I'm still intrigued by the 'lucky numbers' thing--can I try it out? I'd roll 2d6 on my character page or something, and those numbers in that order would by my lucky numbers, and those numbers in the reverse order would be my unlucky numbers. Any time anyone rolled either set, something unusual would happen in the scenario related to my character somehow--either to our benefit or to our detriment. Er, are we playing with Scene Aspects? Because this'd be a perfect Scene Aspect thing. We talked about this before and now I've forgotten exactly what my suggestion was."

[LowEstate]|Wed 19:36 inky says, "sure, if you want to start doing lucky numbers I don't see why not, although I'm not sure how much dice rolling there's left in this game"

[LowEstate]|Wed 19:37 inky says, "(I guess if it's anyone rolling it, it's more likely to happen)"

[LowEstate]|Wed 19:37 lpsmith says, "Wow, really? It feels like we've barely begin."

[LowEstate]|Wed 19:37 lpsmith says, "begun."

[LowEstate]|Wed 19:38 inky says, "yeah, but I think that's more due to me mispacing it"

[LowEstate]|Wed 19:44 lpsmith says, "Hmm, interesting."

[LowEstate]|Wed 19:44 lpsmith says, "OK: http://inky.org/wiki/index.php?title=Low_Estate/Characters/Antheunis#Lucky_Numbers "

[LowEstate]|Thu 00:12 Rob asks, "what have I missed? is everyone waiting on me?"

Current time: Thursday, 11 Jul 2013, 12:15:27 AM EDT

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