Agents Of Empire/Turns/1/House Prime

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Turn 1

House Actions

Overall: Get on the 1-megacredit-every-two-weeks Krazybuys payback plan.

In the shipping phase, we don't have anything to ship yet.
In the explorer phase, Dark trains one level-2 explorer (4 credits).
In the production phase, we produce 1 unit of kelp.
In the research phase [note: confused on the limits and abilities here], we research more efficient/cheaper mining of planetary resources.
In the politics phase, the diplomatic unit works on renegotiating better terms with the Empire, using house Diplomacy (Good) + Cachet ability while Silentus does sculduggery to try to "renegotiate" the deal with Krazybuys.

Character Actions

  • Dark: Training one level-2 explorer unit
  • Silentus: Begin research for "negotiations" with Krazybuys about loan repayment.
  • Diplomatic unit: Works on renegotiating better terms with the Empire, using house Diplomacy (Good) + Cachet ability.