Agents Of Empire/Economics

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This page gives costs for the various sorts of units, buildings, and goods available in the game. These are purposely left a little generic; when you buy a unit you're expected to be more specific about what sort of unit it is, and when you find some goods, likewise.

Houses which are Good in a particular skill buy units for the cost of the next-lower-ranked unit (except when buying the lowest-rank unit). Houses which are Bad in a particular skill buy units for the cost of the next-higher-ranked unit.

Also, as usual, suitable character actions can be used to bend the rules around purchasing units Explorers:

Unit Rank Cost Notes
Novice 1 2
Trained 2 5
Professional 3 9 Requires an explorer's academy to build
Elite 4 14 Requires an explorer's academy to build, takes two turns to build


Unit Rank Cost Notes
Novice 1 3
Trained 2 7
Professional 3 12 Requires a barracks to build
Elite 4 18 Requires a barracks to build, takes two turns to build
Specialist 4 25 Requires a barracks and an appropriate research institution, takes two turns to build
Duo-Specialist 4 30 Requires a barracks and two appropriate research institutions, takes three turns to build

Specialists and duo-specialists are considered rank 6 when their specialty comes into play. Air military units take twice the cost and time of the equivalent ground unit to build, and space units take four times the cost and time.

Politicians and Diplomats:

Unit Rank Cost Notes
Novice 1 6 Takes two turns to build
Trained 2 14 Takes two turns to build
Professional 3 24 Requires a palace to build, takes two turns to build
Elite 4 36 Requires a palace to build, takes four turns to build