Helvetica Plot Threads

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Here's what's going down in Helvetica:

Open Threads

  • Lady du Sices has disappeared and couldn't collect her furniture, do we care?
  • Erich/Franzeska's sister Agathe is scheduled to be executed in Bois-Franc, can we save her?
  • Agathe's husband Raoul disappeared, can we find him (and do we want to)?
  • Edgardo and Lucia: do we trust them (of course not), what are they up to, who are they hiding from, do we believe they had no involvement in the vampire?
  • Elena: why does she try to get people to go to the waterfall, is she really a fate witch, what is her deal? Is she being impersonated/impersonating somebody
  • The waterfall: is there anything significant about it?
  • Adelheid's sleepwalking: does that matter?
  • Dead Body #3: Is this a victim of Lucille from before we nabbed her? How did it get scarred?
  • Vampires: How did Lucille become a vampire anyway? Doesn't that imply another vampire?
    • And what does this suggest for Camilla, who was attacked by Lucille but survived?
  • Andre is trying to create a giant killer robot -- won't that be awesome? Is Antoinette helping him? IF so, why?
    • Is he building a giant killer robot or just a mechanical brain?
    • And if he's not building a robot, then what is Antoinette working on?
    • And either way, are they going to fall in love and then try to take over the world together?
  • Why is Jean Dupin suddenly intent on retrieving fugitives? Who's manipulating him (Nicolette?) and who's manipulating her?

Closed (maybe) Threads

  • Why are we dreaming about a blonde Suzanna?
    • Answer: It's Lucille -- but why did he dream her older? And why did he dream about her at all?
  • Suzanna and Pierre's family are scheduled to be executed, can we save them?
    • Answer: Yes.
  • ...Except Lucille, where'd she go?
    • Answer: She got turned into a vampire and hid in the blackwood wardrobe somehow.
  • Who killed the wagon driver?
    • Answer: Lucille.
  • Pranks against Trujillo, do we support this?
    • Answer: Of course we do, except for Gert, who is a spoilsport.