Talk:Low Estate/Turns/Turn 11
Current time: Thursday, 27 Jun 2013: Turn 11
[LowEstate]/Thu 00:44 inky says, "hmm, maybe Lazer should have a crazy inspiration"
[LowEstate]|Thu 00:44 Rob says, "I wondered about that"
[LowEstate]|Thu 00:44 Rob says, "it's somewhere on the char sheet"
[LowEstate]|Thu 00:45 Rob says, "I was almost going to write it like that but you weren't around for a consultation"
[LowEstate]|Thu 00:45 Rob says, "like he says 'I don't know what it means. But if I had to take a crazy fricking guess, how about it means blah'"
[LowEstate]|Thu 00:46 Rob says, "I could spend a fate point or something if that seems relevant"
[LowEstate]/Thu 01:58 inky says, "ok hopefully that will be funny and not useless"
I like how this wiki format lets the GM write stuff for a player character, which in-person or real-time-MUD RPG doesn't allow. Also, how inky picked up on the mad character of Lazer Dennis, which I've been getting at, then he wrote a scene for Lazer, exactly right. And now I feel like I need to draw a pic of Laz in his Masquerade ball doublet. Just because of this turn.
Rob: would you prefer that I spend a Fate Point to convert this to a partial success, or would you rather that we just tried Stealth (probably using the same Shadowed aspect that I used on Aernoud and Antheunis before)? Or do you have something else in mind? --Jota (talk) 07:21, 29 June 2013 (PDT)