FATE Numenera/Character Classes

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In Numenera, there are three character classes: Glaive, Jack, and Nano. A glaive is a fighter; a Nano is a techno-mage, and a Jack is a generalist. How can we preserve the feel of those classes in a FATE conversion?

Here's one idea: the Jack gets the normal FATE skill pyramid, and has no restrictions on what skills can fill what slots:

4: _____
3: _____ _____
2: _____ _____ _____
1: _____ _____ _____ _____

The other two are specialists, and get a skill ladder:

5: _____
4: _____
3: _____
2: _____ _____
1: _____ _____

However, a Glaive may not choose any Numenera-related skill higher than a 2, and a Nano may not choose any Fighting-related skill higher than a 2. If someone wishes to specialize in a completely different skill, and choose no Numenera-related *or* Fighting-related skill higher than a 2, they can do so, and come up with their own new character class name.

There are various skills/abilities associated with the different classes in Numenera that will probably translate as Stunts in the FATE conversion (or at least 'secondary' stunts, with the Numenera 'Character Focus' becoming your 'primary' stunt). In that case, take a secondary stunt appropriate to your character class.

FATE Numenera