House Advantage

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House Overview

House Advantage is an ultra-new house, created when a loose association of bright young things in the Imperial administration pulled off a brilliant political manoeuvre that gained them some substantial and lucrative Imperial possessions (and, in the process, seriously irritated several of the larger Houses). The problem was that their plan didn't extend much further than that; they have no standing military, a skeleton administrative service and a rather unclear idea of who's in charge and what the next objective is. The most probable outcome is that Advantage will collapse through infighting, organisational chaos and the depredations of Gwyne and Reeft; but a good many smaller Houses would like to see them survive at least for a while.


  • maga
  • katre

House Skills

  • Trade: Average
  • Industry: Average
  • Research: Good
  • Exploration: Good
  • Diplomacy: Average
  • Military: Bad

House Aspects

(Two things of note about the House that can be used to benefit/penalize character actions wrt that house -- this could be unusual talents possessed by the members, a particular House ethos, some standard-issue piece of equipment, etc)


  • Disavow: "That position was the personal opinion of a House Advantage stakeholder and does not necessarily represent the policy of House Advantage at this time." Duck out of any commitment, contract, alliance or policy position that has become inconvenient, with relatively little penalty. Downside: everybody expects you to do this.
  • Paradigm Shift: Inveterate glory-hunters, House Advantage characters are always more motivated when they're doing something charismatic, new and unexpected. If I'm not defining the zeitgeist, why did I even get out of bed?

House Background

(More about the House, history, governance, name of home planet or planets, any special assets, etc)

Characters of Interest

(list characters in the house, players or non-players. players should have a more complete skillset listed, but you don't have to decide now who is who. it would be useful to know the names of important/significant people in the house even if they aren't present on the colony -- eg, the head of the house)

  • Akwe Nerumi Blue-Star-Guidance, a mercenary corporate raider of sorts; brought on during the takeover, now holds enough shares to be a de facto leading light of the House
  • Senator Pabula Erythro, a longtime eminence grise and voice of reformist dissent in the Senate, widely-respected but fundamentally ineffective for a very, very long time. Brought on by Advantage largely for respectability; her motives are uncertain.
  • Elaine the Navigator, amphibian explorer and adventuress. Dismissed from Grazene for consistent failure to follow orders; took up with Aramin, didn't follow orders there either, dismissed; moved to Advantage. Unlikely to follow orders.

The Colony

  • What sort of planet is the colony on and what is its name, what's the terrain like, what resources are found on the planet
  • What does the colony do (ie, why is there a colony here?) Was it for resource-gathering (farming, mining, etc), industry, military training, or what? ('Research' and 'tourism' are probably stylistically bad choices, so I wouldn't pick those as the primary thing)
  • What nearby planets might be of interest?