Agents Of Empire/Turns/10/House Prime

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Turn 10

House Actions

  • Shipping: Cargo ship goes to Boumfadour.
  • Fighting: [None.]
  • Exploration: Rafael and his Reef Explorers start taking water samples.
  • Production: 1 unit of kelp, 1 unit of chemicals.
  • Processing: [None.]
  • Research: Research looks for cool uses of surrounding wildlife. Like maybe the local whitetigers are usable as troop mounts or a fish secretes a particularly useful juice or they are able to talk to birds or something.
  • Building: If the research thing means the source is not damaged and a non-eco-friendly producer upgrade can be added later the main Kelp farm upgrades to level 2 for 3 megacredits.
  • Landing: Cargo ship lands at Boumfadour.
  • Trading: [None.]
  • Politics: Basinbloke pokes around the Senate to a.) gather info about boosting Prime's vote count b.) get info on what's needed to pass the punish-Gwyne for soldiers/environment bill.

Character Actions

  • Dark: Flies home, works on his sonic device some more adding 'passivity' and 'aggressiveness' settings with an Engineering roll.
  • Silentus: En route to the imperial planet for the emperor's party, which he's been invited to. (Whether the emperor knows that or not is an entirely separate question.) No, seriously, that's all he's doing. He's not doing anything else. He's just in an old, slow, small ship that's taking a long time to get there. Really, that's it. Honestly. Leave me alone!


A unit of kelp and chemicals are produced, and then the kelp farm is upgraded in the new, eco-friendly way. The research institution researches, Rafael starts looking for sources, and politics happens. Dark works on tools, and Silentus does nothing suspicious whatsoever.