Noodling/Batman RPG

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The base idea here is "Batman is always Batman". That is, in, say, D&D, the cleric is almost always acting in a cleric way and the wizard in a wizard way and the fighter in a fighter way, except when it comes to skills - the cleric using Stealth is basically the same as the wizard using Stealth or even the rogue using Stealth (actual bonus number aside). In FATE or Apocalypse World or whatever it's even moreso - characters have stunts or whatever that kick in occasionally, but most of the time they're all using the same skills. Whereas Batman is always doing stuff in a Batman way. However, you can't just let people activate stunts every round, even if you could write enough stunts, since a lot of what the stunts do is remove dice rolling in favor of a sure thing (also, I'm in particular thinking of the 7th Sea 2e things that are like "spend a fate point to lure a guard to a side room and leave them there unconscious", which definitely remove rolling). Also, when people have a great move they'll just repeat it every round, which is boring. So here are two variants on a theme:

Random Batman: Pick 6 Batmanny stunts (like "vanish into the shadows" or "deduce something from a little evidence" or "scare the heck out of some guy"). At the start of the adventure, pick two at random. Those are your active ones - you can use them any time you want. When you've used them both, then you reroll two more (you can also reroll when you take a long rest). So in theory the idea here is you have these powerful moves but you don't get to pick which they are, so you spend a turn or two maneuvering into position to use a move, then move it, then repeat, then switch to new targets. Advancement is probably like go from 6-roll-2 to 8-roll-3 to 10-roll-4, or upgrade the stunts to more powerful ones, or swap them out for others.

Aspect Batman: Pick 6 aspects (Spooky Batman, Sneaky Batman, Tough Batman) and assign 6 thematic powers. Assign some circular progression to the aspects (Spooky->Sneaky->Tough->Spooky) and pick a starting aspect. You get to use a power of your choice and then you shift to the next aspect. So here the idea is you get choice from a limited set instead of limited choice from a general set, and again there's some setup to hit the next one.