Unnamed Exercise Game/Transcript Two

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[UnnamedExerciseGame]/16:41 * Bishop has joined the channel.

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:41 * maga has joined the channel.

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:41 * inky has joined the channel.

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:41 * lpsmith has joined the channel.

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:41 * Alex has joined the channel.

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:41 * Roger has joined the channel.

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:42 inky says, "feel free to use my wiki if you want to throw stuff up"

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:42 inky says, "although it's crawled by google so maybe you don't want to"

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:42 * Ellison has joined the channel.

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:42 * Jota has added the synonym #games/UEG to the channel.

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:42 Jota says (to inky), "Hmm."

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:42 Jota says, "That is a good idea and a good point."

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:42 lpsmith says, "I think if someone else implemented this it would be a win."

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:42 * Jota has changed the topic to: Can we design a better version of fitocracy?

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:43 Jota exclaims (at lps), "That's an even better point!"

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:43 Roger says, "I concur."

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:43 Jota says, "I'd be happy if fitocracy stole all of our ideas."

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:43 inky says, "anyway, just to get it out there, it seems like right now the system is exercise -> direct xp reward"

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:43 inky says, "and it seems like it might be more compelling as a game if it was exercise -> something -> reward"

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:44 inky says, "like exercising for N minutes lets you fight X fights, which give a randomized reward"

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:44 inky says, "or exercising for N minutes heals you up after a fight instead of having to wait for natural healing"

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:44 Roger says (to inky), "I'm not sold on that, but I agree it deserves a space in the brainstorm cloud."

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:45 Roger says, "Playtesting this is going to be... interesting."

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:46 Ellison says, "maybe since we want to encourage full weeks of exercise, groups of people go on quests that last 1-2 weeks. how well people keep up with the regime determines how much loot they come home with from each quest."

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:46 inky says, "that is a good point too"

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:47 Ellison says, "and have things like buffer roles so people feel that obligation to other people"

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:47 inky says, "or, like, you get some buff after five days that lasts until you stop exercising for a day"

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:48 maga says, "right now I'm wondering about how likely gamified elements are to actually work against a well-structured exercise program"

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:48 Roger says (to maga), "I see that relationship similar to the quest system, but maybe not necessarily so."

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:48 maga says, "it seems that, if we're actually thinking about this seriously, we should have someone with actual fitness-training chops"

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:49 maga says, "(I'd suggest Jacq but the chances of her having the time to provide detailed input might not be high)"

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:49 Jota makes http://inky.org/wiki/index.php?title=UnnamedExerciseGame

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:49 Roger says, "Hrm maybe when we're closer to Beta and further from absolute vapourware"

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:50 Roger says, "Thanks, Jota."

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:52 maga says, "apart from anything else, a one-size-fits-all approach is probably not going to work"

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:52 lpsmith says (to maga), "Yeah, we don't want to reward unhealthy behavior."

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:52 maga says, "maybe approach that with character classes, I dunno"

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:54 lpsmith says, "It would be nice if it was designed so that people like Jacq and my firefighter brother-in-law could actually play with the rest of us, too."

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:55 inky says, "hmm"

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:55 maga says, "right"

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:55 inky says, "I wonder if it'd be easier just to use chore wars for this"

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:57 Roger says, "Hmmmm it's probably worthwhile to check out the competition. You may be right."

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|16:59 Roger says, "My hunch is that physical exercise has unique qualities, though."

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|17:00 * Auda has joined the channel.

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|17:01 (from maga) Roger says, "which is why I'm going to recall back to town and find someone to cast *Identify* on it"

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|17:13 Jota says, "(Whoops, boss came over.)"

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|17:14 Ellison says, "well, inky *did* suggest a boss fight"

[UnnamedExerciseGame]|17:14 Roger says, "Haha"