An Escape To RememberAn interactive fiction by the IF Whispers Team (2006) - the Inform 7 source text | |
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[Never mind that the office is not adjacent to the empty lab of Section 1.] A folding metal chair is a kind of supporter with carrying capacity 1. "The chairs look only moderately uncomfortable." It is enterable. It is usually scenery. Understand "chair" as a chair. Office is a room. "You are in a cramped office. A small metal chair here sits at a table. The only exit is to the west." The small chair is a folding metal chair in Office. "The chair looks painful to sit in." The office table is a supporter in Office. The office table is scenery. "The table is painted a faded orange. The paint has faded so deeply in places that you can see the wood underneath. Hunh. Teak." The petrified lemon is on the office table. The description of the lemon is "A whole lemon, but with a dull stone finish in place of the expected lemony brightness. This must be the result of one of the sultan's experiments." Instead of eating the lemon, say "You would accomplish nothing by that feat. Except contributing to your dentist's retirement fund." The speakerphone is a fixed in place thing on the office table. Understand "phone" as the speakerphone. The description of the speakerphone is "The speakerphone is made of an impossibly thick black plastic. It contains a receptacle." The receptacle is a container. It is part of the speakerphone. The description of the receptacle is "The receptacle is amulet-shaped. Come to think of it, Maurice did say that the amulet was a key for a secure teleconnection with him, in case it was needed." The carrying capacity of the receptacle is 1. The phoned amulet flag is a number variable. The phoned amulet flag is 0. After inserting the amulet into the receptacle: if the phoned amulet flag is 1 begin; Say "Nothing else happens."; Otherwise; Say "Click. [paragraph break]After a pause, Maurice's voice floats into the room. You tell him everything that has happened, everything you know or guess. There is a pause, then a muffled click from Maurice's end of the line. 'There!' Maurice says. 'I've just unlocked the service door for you. Keep on keepin[apostrophe] on. Avoid the [italic type]Punakawan[roman type].' [paragraph break]You wonder, not for the first time, whom you're betraying: The sultan? The prince? the princess? Maurice? Yourself?[line break]"; Change the phoned amulet flag to 1; Now the service door is unlocked; End if. |