An Escape To Remember

An interactive fiction by the IF Whispers Team (2006) - the Inform 7 source text

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Section 2 - The Sewers

Sewerroom is a kind of room. The printed name of a sewerroom is "Sewer".

Sewer A is a sewerroom. "Some light, barely enough to see by, oozes out of the hole above you. The dim shadows indicate that the sewers lead, eastwards and westwards, into darkness."
Sewer B is a sewerroom. "The filthy water flows to the west and south here, although west is the only direction that light is actually coming from."
Sewer C is a sewerroom. "The filthy water flows to the east and south here, although east is the only direction that light is actually coming from."
Sewer D is a sewerroom. "Off to the east you can barely make out a flicker of light, although the tunnel also heads northwards."
Sewer E is a sewerroom. "You blink in the near-dark, and you come to the conclusion that the light you see off to the west is not a figment of your imagination."
Sewer F is a sewerroom. "Two sewage-filled rivers meet here from the east and west, combining to flow southwards."
Sewer Exit is a sewerroom. "A stream of sewage-filled water flows from the north through a large metal gate to the south. To the east, shedding a bit of light in the area, is a small doorway."

Sewer A is down from Service Access.
Sewer B is east from Sewer A.
Sewer C is west from Sewer A.
Sewer D is south from Sewer C.
Sewer E is south from Sewer B.
Sewer F is east from Sewer D. Sewer F is west from Sewer E.
Sewer Exit is south from Sewer F.

Sewer A, Sewer B, Sewer C, Sewer D, Sewer E, Sewer F, and Sewer Exit are in the Great Sewers.

Every turn when a random chance of 1 in 5 succeeds:
if player is in a sewerroom begin;
choose a random row in Table MM2;
say "[sound entry][paragraph break]";
end if.