An Escape To Remember

An interactive fiction by the IF Whispers Team (2006) - the Inform 7 source text

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Section 1 - Nice Office Table You Have There -- Shame If Something Were To Happen To It

Carry out examining the office table:
If the office table provides the property description begin;
say "[description] On it [is-are list of things on the office table]. It seems to have a small drawer.";
say "There is an office table here. On it [is-are list of things on the office table]. It seems to have a small drawer.";
end if;
Rule succeeds.

[That should preserve any office table description given by its creator, but not fail if, for some reason, that person decided a non-described object would be a good idea. --RC]

[Part 1 - Show Us Your Drawers]

The drawer is part of the office table. The description of the drawer is "A small drawer is built into the desk. It is [if the drawer is closed]closed[otherwise]open[end if]." The drawer is an openable container. The drawer is closed.

[Part 2 - The Memo]

The memo is in the drawer. The description of the memo is "At first glance, it would seem to be a formal memorandum." The printing of the memo is

I expect to see a full report on your resolution of the orchard problem two days hence.

Overseer Cooper
[Just a bit of foreshadowing. --RC]

[Part 3 - The Letter, and the Thyme and Rue]

The letter is in the drawer. The description of the letter is "This letter is written in a flowing cursive script, imparting a friendly, even romantic, sense." The printing of the letter is
"My dearest R,

I shall never forget you, but I'm afraid Father will never stand for his royal daughter to be seen with a mere sewer labourer.


The letter can be disturbed or undisturbed. The letter is undisturbed.

After taking the letter:
if the letter is undisturbed begin;
say "As you pick up the letter, a few small items fall out.";
now the leaf of thyme is on the table;
now the sprig of rue is on the table;
now the letter is disturbed;
end if;
continue the action.

After reading the letter:
if the letter is undisturbed begin;
say "As you open the letter to read it, a few small items fall out.";
now the leaf of thyme is on the table;
now the sprig of rue is on the table;
now the letter is disturbed;
end if;
continue the action.

[I tried to figure out how to do this with "handled", but failed. --RC]

The leaf of thyme is a thing. The description of the leaf of thyme is "Still slightly fragrant, but the years have not been kind. It's dry as a bone."

The sprig of rue is a thing. The description of the sprig of rue is "This small piece of the hearty herb looks as though it could have been picked yesterday. A single yellow petal even remains."

Instead of removing or taking the leaf of thyme:
say "At your slightest touch, it disintegrates into dust.";
remove the leaf of thyme from play.
[I got no thyme for you. --RC]

