An Escape To RememberAn interactive fiction by the IF Whispers Team (2006) - the Inform 7 source text | |
Home page Contents Previous Next Complete text | Chapter 10.3 - Back in the Warehouse
Section 1 - Warehouse game The gift box is a container in the Warehouse. "One box stands out: a gaily-striped gift box with a built-in bow." It is closed. It is openable. A toy penguin is in the gift box. Understand "bow" as gift box. The penguin can be weaselseen or unweaselseen. The penguin is unweaselseen. Every turn: If the weasel can see the penguin and the player can see the weasel and the penguin is not weaselseen begin; now the penguin is weaselseen; say "The weasel bounces up and down and squeaks excitedly at the sight of the penguin."; end if. Instead of giving the penguin to the weasel: remove the penguin from play; say "The weasel enthusiastically tears it to shreds." The gifted head flag is a number variable. The gifted head flag is 0. Instead of throwing the gift box at the head: say "You gently lob the gift box into its mouth, and it starts to shake violently. 'Ein Gift! Du hast mich vergiftet!' It then sinks to the ground, its eyes dark. A transformation comes over the landscape. The head sinks below the surface and is gone."; remove the head from play; remove the gift box from play; change the gifted head flag to 1. Whisper 10 ends when the gifted head flag is 1. Some posters are in End of Tracks. Understand "poster" as posters. "Fading posters cluster around the door, competing for the attention of the nonexistent passers-by." They are fixed in place. The description is "Advertisements and public notices from bygone days. Some can still be read." Instead of reading posters, say "There don't seem to be any more legible ones." Instead of reading posters for the first time, say "'Doctor Gnome's[line break] GNOME CREAM[line break] Eases all known diseases of the gnome![line break] Just zm12 for a jumbo tube.'[paragraph break]" Instead of reading posters for the second time, say "'Coming soon: [bold type]Stone Heads![roman type][line break] Stone heads! Stone heads! Stone heads![line break] You don't want to miss this! This is for real![line break] Stone heads! Stone heads! Stone heads![line break] Stone heads! Stone heads! Stone heads![line break] [italic type]Stone heads! Stone heads! Stone heads![roman type]'[paragraph break]" Instead of reading posters for the third time, say "This one just has a picture of a stick figure in a red circle with a slash through it. How odd. [if the weasel is following]The weasel seems rather taken with it, though." Instead of reading posters for the fourth time, say "'Can you believe how little pudding people eat? It's hard to understand, isn't it? Pudding is so great! I don't know about you, but I eat pudding at every meal. It's healthy and delicious. Everyone I respect and admire eats pudding in copious quantities. Clearly, people who do not eat pudding are a little weird. Eat pudding. You'll be glad you did.'[paragraph break]". Instead of reading posters for the fifth time, say "CAN YOU TELL THESE APART?[line break] (Beneath this is the word DOG and a picture of a dog.) 'If not, you're probably suffering from [italic type]Korthammar's Syndrome[roman type], a magically-induced neurological condition affecting the language centers of the brain. Early symptoms include inability to distinguish words in one language from words in another. If left untreated, it can develop into an inability to distinguish words from pictoral representations, and ultimately, from things they represent. In individuals with psychic abilities, or unusually large brains, further levels of confusion can result, including extrapersonal effects. Korthammar's Syndrome is a serious. See a physician and get tested. (Not a gnome disease.)'[paragraph break]". Instead of reading posters for the sixth time, say "'ATTENTION: Stone Heads has been cancelled for the foreseeable future.'[paragraph break]". Instead of reading posters for the seventh time, say "'ANTI-HUMAN CONSPIRACY REVEALED[line break] Learn the shocking truth! Find out what those sneaky, conniving gnomes and insidious, cunning trolls have been doing to SUBVERT and DESTROY our just and righteous sbjugation of their races! Read it all in the new runaway bestseller, 'THEY WANT YOUR UNEARNED POWER AND PRIVELEGE'!!![line break] - Gaze in horror at the secret symbols the anti-human conspiracy uses to signal each other secretly![line break] - Learn how to recognize someone who's struggling to conceal a frothing, irrational rage for all humans![line break] - The final shocking secret: animals in the consipracy! Read all about the secret chief, a small mammal described as 'some kind of ferret or mongoose or something'![line break] All this in more in 'THEY WANT YOUR UNEARNED POWER AND PRIVELEGE', available at all reputable human-owned bookstores.'[paragraph break]" Instead of reading posters for the eighth time, say "%FACTORY% announces:;()[line break] '^^^you are instructed to purchase %PRODUCT%[line break] compli&&&ance is expected[line break] all units of %PRODUCT%@@memrf() must be purchased and consumed by reader.111111111111111111'[paragraph break]" Carry out skipping ahead during Whisper 10: say "Skipping scene 10."; now the player is in great underground desert; remove the stone head from play; change the gifted head flag to 1; rule succeeds. |