Nobilis imperator powers
Your imperators have certain powers and personality traits which may
help you out or hinder you. These are, like the chancel powers, bought with points, but the
base points here is zero, so everything has to be paid for with a penalty.
If you have other ideas for imperator powers/traits, lemme know and
we'll work it out:
Sample imperator powers:
- 25 dynasty points - 1 point (pool of miracle points that can be
used by anyone in the group; not replenished)
- Harvest skill - 1 point (adds two dynasty points; takes a
while; doable once a session or so)
- Great harvest skill - 2 points (adds four dynasty points; takes a
long while; doable once a session or so)
- Fading imperator - -1 points (imperator must be sustained with
dynasty points)
- Empathy - 1/1/-1 (imperator is clear-sighted, sympathetic, or
- Guiding Hand - 1/1/-1 (imperator is prophetic, advising, or
- Incomprehensibility - 2/1/-1 (imperator is unfathomable,
soul-twisted, or straightforward)
- Granted gift - 1/-1 (everyone in group gets a gift+a handicap, or
just a handicap)
- Mastery - 1/2/-1 (imperator has studied, really studied, or can't
use a skill; same goes for you [and this is a *god* "really studying"])
- Respect - 2/1/-1 (imperator is considerate, respectful, or disrespectful)