Agents Of Empire/Turns/6/House Intrepid

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Turn 6

Previous turn: Turn 5

House Actions


  • Seve and the Fightin' Fighters are running around somewhere in Thunderchild!
  • The Titanicus at Arroyo picks up 2 units of raw/rank-1 hyperidot and also The Foreign Legion. Then sets off for Empire.

Fighting: None, hopefully.

Exploration: The Lewison Clarks press on and explore the grasslands at L14. Bram explores H14 and H15.

Production: The large warp crystal mine in K14, the Bonanza Mine, produces 2 raw units. The basic hyperidot mine in I13 produces 1 raw unit. Total: +3 raw hyperidot.

Processing: None.

Research: None.

Building: None.


  • The Titanicus arrives at Empire.
  • Thunderchild! arrives at... ?!

Trade: We sell the Titanicus' cargo for +2 MCr. The Foreign Legion disembarks and awaits their new assignment.

Politics: House Intrepid votes IN FAVOUR of The Grazene Homesteading Bill.

Character Actions

Bram Lincoln Continental (Roger): Bram explores H14 and H15.

Seve Ballesteros (Iain): Seve does Seve stuff.



Next turn: Turn 7