House Prime

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House Prime

One of the oldest—and once one of the most powerful—member Houses of the Empire, House Prime has long since fallen to ruins. Its several star systems are now mostly populated with abandoned colonies and derelict technology, fallen long ago into disrepair. Its capital planet, Earth, has been devastated multiple times by global wars, environmental catastrophes and natural disasters. Now, it is home to only a few million survivors trying to eke out an existence.


  • Ghogg
  • Matthew

House Skills

  • Diplomacy: Good
  • Exploration: Average
  • Industry: Bad
  • Military: Average
  • Research: Good
  • Trade: Average

House Aspects

(Two things of note about the House that can be used to benefit/penalize character actions wrt that house -- this could be unusual talents possessed by the members, a particular House ethos, some standard-issue piece of equipment, etc)

Cachet: Things related to the House tend to have more "respectability" due to historical ties.

Hardiness: The surviving members of Prime have been through the school of hard knocks.

House Background

(More about the House, history, governance, name of home planet or planets, any special assets, etc)

Characters of Interest

(list characters in the house, players or non-players. players should have a more complete skillset listed, but you don't have to decide now who is who. it would be useful to know the names of important/significant people in the house even if they aren't present on the colony -- eg, the head of the house)

The Colony

  • It's Earth! Sheesh! Look out a window!
  • What does the colony do (ie, why is there a colony here?) Was it for resource-gathering (farming, mining, etc), industry, military training, or what? ('Research' and 'tourism' are probably stylistically bad choices, so I wouldn't pick those as the primary thing)
  • What nearby planets might be of interest?