Agents Of Empire/Announcements

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This page is for messages from the GM. Please check it occasionally, and/or add it to your watchlist and get emailed about it.

Processor Change!

As evidence of these rules being in beta, I am making a change to how processors work; I'd like the taxes to be challenging but not impossible. In brief, the change is that processors now take only a single turn to process goods, but higher-ranked processors are required to create the better goods. See the economics page for explicit details.

First Turn!

Hey, we're starting this thing! Today (6/2), I put up the introduction pages, finally. Unfortunately (for the game; good otherwise) I'm going on vacation next week, so I think the plan will be that the first turn will be due Saturday 6/11. In the future, I'm going to be shooting for more like 2-4 days between turns, but I don't think I'll be checking the wiki regularly while I'm on vacation, so I want to allow extra time. To get started, check out the turns page. Good luck!