Agents Of Empire/Turns/11/House Aramin
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Turn 11 - House Aramin
Previous turn: Turn 10
House Actions
- Shipping: The StarFar Reigspress returns to Elvis with Reig. The Reiglight Revenge picks up 1 unit of Energy Weapons and ships it Coreward. All of our astro-polo players board the official League ship for Arroyo to attend the finals.
- Fighting: The Foreign Legion stands by in hex J11 in case Rick runs into anything hostile.
- Exploration: The StarLight Survey Squad rests up in the main colony. Acting as a rank-4 Explorer unit, Rick explores hex J11 (rank-4 fire swamp).
- Production: We produce 2 units of Unsorted Crystals from the Donbique Rule Crystal Farm in L10. We produce 1 unit of Metals from the Alshu Cup mine in N11. We produce 2 unit of Unsorted Crystals from the Starfarer Crystal Mega-Garden And Wilderness Preserve in P12. We produce 1 unit of Food from the Bloos Wade Juice plant in K11. The Clampet Clan produces 1 unit of Unsorted Crystals (which they give to us as a tax payment).
- Processing: We process 2 units of Unsorted Crystals and 1 unit of Savage Corn into 1 unit of SAVAGE CORN 3D! (a rank-2 refined commodity). We process 2 units of Unsorted Crystals and 1 unit of Hyperidot into 1 unit of Flame Jewels (a rank-2 refined commodity).
- Research: Unless we come up with a better idea, the Farlight Institute researches how we can duplicate the crystallization process (and hopefully monetize it to start producing units of Art). The Secret Advanced Physics Laboratory continues researching.
- Building: We upgrade the Riju Industrial Complex (rank-2) to the Riju Tri-Lateral Industrial Complex (rank-3) with Jude's help for 9Mc.
- Landing: The Reiglight Revenge arrives at the Core and unloads its cargo and Reig, who is very glad to be home again.. The astro-polo players arrive at Arroyo.
- Trading: We sell 1 unit of Energy Weapons on the general Market for 5Mc. We take samples of Frozen Gas, SAVAGE CORN 3D!, Superconductive Crystal Cryptography Circuits, Squidduplicators, Flame Jewels and Metal to produce 1 unit of Sampler Pack at a cost of 1Mc.
- Politics: The Hau Ndogg Community College varsity astro-polo team (and maybe also the Recessive Lethals) take part in the League of Champions finals! Reig, as captain, leads a hand-picked astro-polo team of Jarou and humans, picked for their athletic ability as well as their skill as working as a team together (Socialization).
Character Actions
- Jude Farlight: Jude gets jiggy with the processing plant (what? he's using a jig to set the parameters for a CNC welder/router). If not, he dives into the research on plant crystalization.
- Rick Starfarer: Rick has stared longingly at those fire swamp hexes on his survey maps for too long. They need exploring, and if Rick doesn't do it, who will? Who else even can? It is Rick's duty to spend a Fate point on the "Daredevil" Aspect (to raise his Survival skill by one), hitch up his asbestos astro-waders, and head out to explore hex J11. [Note--maybe I13, in case Iavo picked their spot based on the nearby terrain? Also, it'll be a good place to retreat to 'accidentally' --Reig ;-]
- Reig: Leads the Recessive Lethals in astro-polo!
Next turn: Turn 12