An Escape To Remember

An interactive fiction by the IF Whispers Team (2006) - the Inform 7 source text

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Complete text
Section 2 - Debug stuff - Not for release

test newspaper with "get key/s/s/s/out/unlock door with bronze key/open door/s/get paper/n/in/n/n/n/out/wake man/give paper to man/wear suit/drop all/search suit"

test generator with "in/s/s/out/e/give candy to troll/se/in/s/out/s/x note/drop all/get case/n/in/out/s/get case/n/in/out/s/get case/n/in/n/get case/out/e/se/in/get case/out/e/se/in/get case/out/e"

test shed with "get generator/se/in/n/n/get generator/out/go shed/out/give miniature to man/go shed/push button/out/in/n"

Test wh9 with "test newspaper/test generator/test shed"