An Escape To Remember

An interactive fiction by the IF Whispers Team (2006) - the Inform 7 source text

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Part 12 - Home Security, Ltd[period] by Karl Parakenings

Chapter 12.1 - Caverns and Gunpowder

Whisper 12 is a scene. Whisper 12 begins when Whisper 11 ends.

When Whisper 12 begins: say "Finally, your chance is at hand."

After looking in A Mysterious Cavern, say "The cavern is filled with treasure as far as the eye can see. You sense that there are exits to the east and north."

The treasure is scenery in A Mysterious Cavern. Understand "gold" or "silver" or "lucre" or "loot" or "treasure" as the treasure. It has the description "Wealth enough to last you for several lifetimes.. should you manage to protect it."

Instead of taking the treasure: say "There's far too much to carry in your pockets. You'll have to devise a way to guard it from like-minded theives."

The protected treasure flag is a number variable. The protected treasure flag is 0.

East of A Mysterious Cavern is Granite Spiral. The description of the Granite Spiral is "Cracks line the wall of this venerable passageway, which slopes gradually upward and around the cavern, ending at the top of the cavernous dome.

West is the cavern proper, and the apex is above."

The cracks are scenery in the Granite Spiral. "Some of the cracks run quite deep; probably, a few run all the way through to the treasure cave." Understand "walls" as the cracks.

The Apex is above the Granite Spiral. "After quite a while, you arrive at the top of the Spiral. An immense granite tube surrounds you and extend upward for miles. You can hear the wind faintly, like faraway lament. The sun shines directly downward, illuminating the bottom only dimly.

Beside the forboding gate to the north is an enormous crack. Above the gate is an armature, at the end of which is a large lens."

The apex sun is scenery in The Apex. "It's too bright to look at for long."

An immense granite tube is scenery in the Apex. "It's like looking up out of a volcano."

[Instead of listening in Apex: say "The wind plays a haunting melody on the bottletop of the cavern."]

The rock is scenery in The Apex. "Unexpectedly smooth, the rock is pleasing to the touch." Understand "granite" and "tube" as the granite.

Things can be pullized or unpullized. Things are usually unpullized.

The armature is scenery in The Apex. Understand "lens", "many-jointed", and "arm" as the armature. The description of the armature is "A many-jointed arm, ending in a large lens." The armature is unpullized.

Instead of pulling or pushing the armature: if the armature is pullized, say "It's already in position."; otherwise say "The arm clicks several times as you maneuver the lens into place over the crack[if the black-powder is in the crack] filled with powder[end if]."; now the armature is pullized.

The crack is scenery. The crack is a container in The Apex. "Deep, and large enough for a horse."

Instead of entering the crack: say "You hop gaily in and fall to the bottom, breaking both of your legs."; end the game in death.

Instead of pulling the armature when the black-powder is in the crack: say "The lens focuses the heat of the sun into the black powder. Following a wise instinct, you open the forboding gate and hop in. From the next room, you hear the rumble of collapsing rock. Now, you will return with a qualified digging team and claim your treasure."; now the player is in The Blank Room; remove the black-powder from play; change the the protected treasure flag to 1.

Instead of inserting the sack into the crack: say "You pour the black powder into the crack and discard the sack."; now the black-powder is in the crack; remove the sack from play.

Instead of inserting the black-powder into the crack: try inserting the sack into the crack.

The forboding gate is scenery in The Apex. "It calls to mind some of Rodin's more ambitious works, if Rodin had been a murderous schizophrenic with parental issues. You are unable to look at it for long."

Instead of inserting the sack into the crack when the armature is pullized: say "The lens focuses the heat of the sun into the black powder. Following a wise instinct, you open the forboding gate and hop in. From the next room, you hear the rumble of collapsing rock. Now, you will return with a qualified digging team and claim your treasure."; now the player is in The Blank Room; remove the black-powder from play; change the protected treasure flag to 1.

Instead of going down in The Apex when the protected treasure flag is 1: say "Rubble blocks your path. You're lucky that this room remains."

Instead of going north in The Apex when the protected treasure flag is 0: say "As much as you want to face your fears, the treasure is still open to theives. In fact, they may be stealing it right now! Better hurry."

Ancient Repository is north of the Mysterious Cavern. The description of the Ancient Repository is "This room, unlike the last, has fallen into ruin over interminable centuries. Shelves line the vast walls, coated in some black powder, gritty to the touch. Hundreds of desks and adjoining racks extend for a great distance, their purpose unknown."

The desks are scenery in Ancient Repository. "Ancient and crumbling, the desks bear marks of vandalism from whatever lectures went on in this place." Understand "desks" and "desk" and "tables" and "table" and "racks" and "rack" as the desks.

The black powder is scenery in Ancient Repository. "Fine, black grains, gritty to the touch." Understand "fine", "black", "grains", "dust", and "shelves" as the black powder.

The sack is a container. "Filled with the black powder you found in the Repository."

Instead of opening or closing the sack: say "There's no need to do that now."

Some black-powder is in the sack. The printed name of the black-powder is "powder, in the sack". Understand "powder" as the black-powder. The description of the black-powder is "Fine, black grains, gritty to the touch."

Instead of taking the black-powder: say "It's in the sack already, and you don't want to lose any more than is necessary."

Instead of taking the black powder for the first time: say "After a few hours, you manage to collect enough to fill a mid-sized sack of the mysterious powder. Your fingers hurt."; now the player has the sack.

Instead of taking the black powder: say "You already have that."